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used when the governing bodies do not enact identical decisions on the proposed <br />Metro Plan amendment: <br />~a} The Metro Plan amendment shall be referred to the <br />Metropolitan Policy Committee within five days after the last <br />governing body action. The Metrapol i tan Policy Cammi ttee shat 1 meet <br />within 30 days of the referral to hear comments on the proposed <br />amendment from the applicant, staff of the affected jurisdictions, <br />and interested persons . The committee may devel op a recommendat i on <br />to the governing bodies on the proposed amendment. The Metro Plan <br />amendment shall be denied i f the committee f ai 1 s to act within 40 <br />days of the referral date or i f the governing bodies fai 1 to adopt <br />identical plan amendment actions within 45 days of receiving a <br />recommendation from the committee. <br />fib} If the plan amendment is denied because of lack of <br />consensus or cammi ttee inaction, within five days the planning <br />d i rector of the home jurisdiction where the application originated <br />shall i ssue a deni al decision on the amendment containing findings <br />and conclusions an why the proposed amendment does not meet the <br />approval criteria. Those findings and conclusions may incorporate <br />findings and concl usi ans previously adopted by one or both of the <br />governing bathes . The decision of the planning director i s final . <br />9.I34 Metro P1 an -Plan Amendment A royal Process: Three Jurisdictions. <br />~} When the three 'urisdiction rocess is used. The following <br />process shall be used to consider Metro P1 an category I amendments and category <br />I I amendments that substantively affect Eugene, Springfield and Lane County. <br />~2} Investigation and report. Within 34 days after responses are <br />received from bath referral jurisdictions or within 85 days after the Metro P1 an <br />amendment i ni ti ati an date i f no response i s received, the planning staff of the <br />home jurisdiction where the proposed amendment was submitted shall investigate <br />the facts bearing on the application, prepare a report, and subrni t i t to the <br />planning commissions of all three jurisdictions. The report shall be mai 1 ed or <br />delivered to affected and interested parties at the same time it i s delivered <br />to the three planning commissions. <br />~3} P1 annin commission consideration. Within 60 days after <br />receipt of the staff report, the p1 anni ng commissions of Eugene, Springfield, <br />and lane County shall hol d a joint public hearing on the proposed plan <br />amendment. The provisions of section 9.1343} apply to the joint planning <br />commission hearing. Within 34 days after the proposed plan amendment hearing <br />and close of the evidentiary record, each planning commission shall make a <br />recommendation to its governing body an the proposed Metro Plan amendment. <br />~4} Governing bodies action. Within 60 days after the last <br />planning commission acts on the Metro P1 an amendment proposal , the governing <br />bodies of Eugene, Springfield and lane County shat 1 hol d a joi nt public hearing <br />an the plan amendment. The governing bodies' decisions shall be based solely <br />on the evidentiary record created before the planning commissions. No new <br />evidence shat 1 be allowed at the governing body joint hearing. Within 34 days <br />after the joint public hearing, each governing body shall approve, modify and <br />approve, or deny the proposed Metro P1 an amendment. Each governing body shat l <br />take action by ordinance with adopted findings and conclusions on whether the <br />proposal or modified proposal meets the approval criteria. The actions of the <br />Qrdinance - 6 <br />