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of more than 25 persons. <br />5. Creating or Conti Hui ng a not se disturbance on the <br />mall . <br />fi. Except on olive Street where vehicles are allowed, <br />operating or parki ng a motor vehicle on the mall . <br />~b~ A permit shall be valid for the period of time specified <br />on the permit, not to exceed six months . <br />~c} Except for distribution of materials constituting a <br />commercial pursuit, distribution of written material may occur <br />without obtaining a mall activity permit. Distribution of written <br />material i s allowed provided any person making the d3 stri buti on <br />removes all distributed material discarded or abandoned on all areas <br />of the mall within 200 feet of each place where the written material <br />was distributed. Such removal shall occur every four hours ar when <br />distribution ceases, whichever first occurs. Failure to promptly <br />remove such material from the mall may result i n the city performing <br />the removal required of the distributor and bi 11 i ng and collecting <br />the cost from any person responsible. Any person or organization <br />which f a i 1 s to remove from the mal 1 discarded written material <br />distributed by that person or organization shal 1 have committed a <br />violation of this code. <br />Section 1. The definition for Mall activity permit set forth in Section <br />4.871 of the Eugene Code, 1971, is amended to provide: <br />4.811 Pedestrian Mall -Definitions. For purposes of sections 4.870 to <br />4.881 of this chapter, the following words shall have the meanings <br />ascribed to them by this section: <br />Mal 1 acti vi ty~,permi t. A permi t applied for and issued i n <br />accordance with section 3.342 of this code. <br />Section 8. Sections 4.811, 4.819, and 4.880 of the Eugene Code, 1911, are <br />repealed. <br />Section 9. The City Recorder, at the request of, or with the concurrence <br />of the City Attorney, may administratively correct any reference errors <br />contained herein or in other provisions of the Eugene Code, 1911, to the <br />provisions added, amended or repealed herein. <br />Section 10 . I n order to provide for the orderly implementation of the <br />provisions contained herein, this Ordi Hance shall become effective on , <br />Ord i nonce - 8 <br />