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~r~ ~ ~~ <br />~ ~~~~ <br />~~ <br />~~~~ ~'o uh <br />EXHIBIT A <br />Beginning at the intersection of Carliss Lane and River Road, said paint being <br />South 3,676.5 feet and East 2,824.5 feet from the Northwest carnet of the d. <br />Davis D.L.C. No. 48 in Section ~4, Township 1l South, Range 4 West of the <br />Willamette Meridian; thence West to a paint on the west margin of River Road, <br />said west margin being 50.0 feet from when measured at right angles to the <br />centerline; thence Southerly along the west margin to the Northerly right of <br />way of Kourt Lane; thence west X70.0 feet mare or less along the northerly <br />margin to a point; thence South to the north margin of Hamilton Avenue; <br />thence East 92.9 feet along said north margin; thence North 7I.25 feet; <br />thence East to the west margin of River Road being 50.4 feet from the center- <br />line; thence Southerly along the said margin to the south margin of Hamilton <br />Avenue; thence East along an extension of the said south margin to the east <br />margin of River Road, being 50.o feet from the centerline; thence Northerly <br />600.o feet more or less along said east margin to the existing City limits <br />boundary; thence Southwest 53.0 feet to the centerline of River Road; thence <br />northerly along the centerline to the point of beginning, all in Lane County, <br />Dregon. <br />ECEU93~ 14 <br />