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~w~r. The fee owner of 1 and including the contract purchaser <br />of such land. <br />Person res ons i bl e. The owner, agent, occupant, 1 essee, <br />tenant, contract purchaser or other person having possession or <br />control of property or the supervision of a construct i on project on <br />the property. <br />,~H. The 1 agari thm of the reciprocal of the weight of hydrogen <br />~ ons ~ n grams per 1 ~ ter of solution . <br />Regional wastewater treatment,,,„service. The service s <br />provided to the city by the Metropolitan Wastewater Commission or <br />its successor for the transportation, treatment and disposal of <br />wastewater. <br />Res i dent,„a],_„prop,ert : ,W,,,,med i um. Property developed only with <br />a s i ng1 e f ami 1 y dwel 1 i ng wi th a f oot print of more than 1, 000 square <br />feet but less than 3, 000 square feet ~ i ncl udi ng garage} . Property <br />developed only wi th a dupl ex wi th a total foot print of more than <br />2, 000 square feet but less than fi, 000 square feet ~ i ncl udi ng <br />garages}} shall be treated as two medium residential properties. <br />Residential ro ert : small. Property developed only with a <br />single family dwelling wi th a foot print of 1, 000 square feet or <br />less including a garage}. Property developed only with a duplex <br />wi th a total foot print of 2, o0o square feet or less ~ i ncl udi ng <br />garage ~ s } } shat 1 be treated as two smal 1 residential properties . <br />Retent ,on, system, A stormwater f aci 1 i ty which the city <br />engineer has determined does not discharge or substantially reduces <br />the discharge, into the city stormwater system. <br />Runoff control . Any measure or facility approved by the city <br />engineer by which stormwater runof f from land surf aces on which <br />development exists is reduced. <br />Sewer. A pipe or a conduit for carrying wastewater ar <br />stormwater. <br />Sewer service. Includes wastewater service, stormwater <br />service and regional wastewater treatment service, Or any of them. <br />,S,ewerage,,,,,,,,,,,,s~~tem. The equipment, pipe 1 ine network and <br />foci 1 i ti es as are needed for and are pertinent to the col 1 ecti on, <br />transmission, treatment retention and disposal of wastewater or <br />stormwater. <br />Sin le famil dwellin . A building designed or used for the <br />occupancy of one family, with housekeeping facilities far only one <br />family. This ~nc1udes each family dwelling in separate ownership <br />even though i t i s attached by a common wall to one or more s i ng1 e <br />family dwell ~ngs at the property 1 ine of an adjoining lat. <br />stormwater. stormwater runoff, snow melt runoff, and surface <br />runoff and drainage. <br />stormwater facilities. Any structure or configuration of the <br />ground that i s used or by its 1 ocati on becomes a pl ace where <br />stormwater f 1 ows or i s accumulated including but not limited to <br />pipes, sewers, curbs, gutters, manholes, catch basins, ponds, open <br />drai nageways, runoff control foci 1 i ti es, wets ands and thei r <br />appurtenances. <br />Stormwater service. The use of the city's stormwater system <br />including, but not 1 i mi ted to, toll ect i on of stormwater discharged <br />Ordinance - fi <br />