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ORDINANCE N0. 19940 <br />AN ORDINANCE REGARDING THE INDUSTRIAL PRETREATMENT PROGRAM; AND <br />AMENDING SECTIONS 6.501, 6.506, 6.511, fi.516, 6.521, 6.52fi, 6.531, <br />6.536, 6.541, 6.546, 6.551, 6.556, 6.561, 6.56fi, 6.571, 6.51fi,~, y~'~ <br />6.581, 6.586, 6.591 THROUGH 6.59fi OF THE EUGENE CODE, 1971. <br />THE CITY OF EUGENE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br />Section 1. Sections 6.501, 6.5Ofi, 6.511, 6.516, 6.521, 6.526, 6.531, <br />6.536, 6.541, 6.546, 6, 551, 6.55fi, fi .561, 6.566, 6.511, 6.576, 6.581, 6.586, <br />6.591, and 6.596 of the Eugene Code, 1971 are hereby amended to provide: <br />Industrial Pretreatment Pro ram <br />6.501 Industrial Pretreatment Pro ram ~ Decl arati on of Pol i c . <br />~1} The provisions of sections 6.501 to 6.596 of this code set <br />forth requirements for the industrial discharge of pollutants into the city <br />wastewater system. The objectives of these sections are to: <br />~a} Prevent the discharge of pollutants into the city <br />wastewater system which wi 11 interfere with the operation of the <br />system or contaminate the resulting sludge; <br />fib} Prevent the discharge of pollutants into the city <br />sewerage system which wi 11 pass through the system, inadequately <br />treated, i nta receiving waters; <br />~c} Improve the opportunity to recycle and reclaim <br />wastewater and s1 udge from the city wastewater system; <br />~d} Protect the health of the city's empl ayees world ng i n <br />and around the city wastewater system. <br />~2} In achieving the objectives of sections 6.501 to 6.596 of this <br />code i t shat 1 be the pot i cy of ~ the city to actively support the community's <br />commerce and industry through accommodation, assistance and cooperation <br />consistent with the city's respons i bi 1 i ty to protect the waters of the state from <br />poll uti on and to secure the health, safety and welfare of the residents of the <br />metropolitan area. <br />~3} Pollutants shall be accepted into the city wastewater system <br />subject to regulations and requirements as may be promulgated by state and <br />federal regulatory agencies or the city for the protection of sewerage facilities <br />and treatment processes, public health and safety, receiving water quality and <br />avoidance of nuisance. Pretreatment standards shall be developed to ensure that, <br />at a minimum, the city and industrial users comply with Sections 3O1~b} and <br />301 ~ c } of the Federal Water Po11 ut i on Control Act, as amended by the Clean Water <br />Act of 1911 and the regulations promulgated pursuant tv these sections of the <br />Act, including but not limited to, 40 CFR Part 403 General Pretreatment <br />Regulations} and 40 CFR Chapter I Subchapter N National Categorical Pretreatment <br />Standards}. <br />~4} The city manager, i n carrying out the provisions of sections <br />Ordinance - 1 <br />