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~ 5 } Certification . In the case of any notification made under th i s <br />section, the industrial user shall certify that i t has a program i n place to <br />reduce the val ume and toxicity of ha~ardaus wastes generated to the degree i t has <br />determined to be econami cal 1 y practical . <br />fi.541 Industrial Pretreatment Prog,r,am -Agreements. Nothing contained in <br />^ mw i i i.nnnnri.r ~~rirnirr~ <br />sections 6, 501 to 5.521 of this code shal 1 be construed to roh i bi t <br />,p <br />an agreement between the c~ ty and any person whereby a d~ scharge why ch waul d <br />otherwise be proh~b~ted by sections 6.5e1 to 6.596 of this code may be admitted <br />to ,the city wastewater system. Such an agreement may be made when, i n the <br />op~n~an of the city manager, spedal circumstances justify such agreement, <br />provided that no interference ar pass through results from the discharge and no <br />additional costs are incurred by the city without recompense by the person. <br />Categorical pretreatment standards shat 1 not be waived by special agreement of <br />the parties. <br />' Pretreatment Program -Fees. <br />5 _L_n d u s t r~ a l ~~~~ ~.~~„ ~.,,~,.~~,r.~~~~r ,.~.~r,.,~r~ __ <br />~ 1 } Pur ose. It i s the purpose of this section to reduce the <br />city's cost of implementation of the pretreatment program through a system of <br />equitable charges or fees to be paid by the industrial users of the city <br />wastewater system who are subject to section fi. 551 ~ 1 } ~ a} of th i s code for certai n <br />services . The applicable charges or fees shall be set forth i n a schedul a of <br />fees established as provided in section 2.020 of this code. <br />~ 2 } Fees . When adopting fees as provided i n subsect i vn ~ 1 } of th i s <br />section the city manager may adopt fees to reduce the city's cyst of providing <br />the follaw~ng services: <br />~a} Setting up and operating the pretreatment program; <br />~ b} Sampling, monitoring, inspections and survei 11 once <br />procedures; <br />~c} Reviewing accidental discharge procedures and central; <br />~d} Reviewing and acting upon permit applications; and <br />fie} Other services as the city manager may deem necessary to <br />carry out the requirements contained in sections 5.501 to 6.595 of <br />this code. <br />fi.551 Industrial Pretreatment Pro ram -Administration. <br />~1} General. <br />~a} Monitorin facilities. When required by the city <br />manager, the i ndustri a1 user shall install and maintain at its <br />expense a sui tabl a control accesshol a to foci 1 i tote observation, <br />sampling and measurement of wastewater being discharged. Such <br />accesshol a shall be 1 orated, i f feasi bl e, where it i s accessi bl e <br />from a publ i c road or street. It shall be constructed i n accordance <br />with plans and at a 1 ocat i on approved by the city manager and shat l <br />be arranged so that flow measuring and sampling equipment and a <br />shutoff gate or a screen may be conveniently installed by the city. <br />fib} Ins ecti,on and, sam 1 in . The city may inspect the <br />face 1 ~ t~ es of any ~ ndustri al user as often as deemed necessary <br />~ s i gn i f i cant industrial users shawl d expect to be inspected no 1 ess <br />often than at least one to four times annually} to ascertain whether <br />the provisions of sections 6.501 to 5.596 of this code are being <br />complied with. The owner, operator or agent i n charge of the <br />Ordinance - 10 <br />