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Ordinance No. 19940
City of Eugene
1990s No. 19660-20183
Ordinance No. 19940
Entry Properties
Last modified
6/10/2010 3:47:50 PM
Creation date
11/21/2008 1:05:46 PM
Council Ordinances
Ordinance regarding the industrial pretreatment program; and amending sections 6.501, 6.506, 6.511, 6.516, 6.521, 6.526, 6.531, 6.536, 6.541, 6.546, 6.551, 6.556, 6.561, 6.566, 6.571, 6.576, 6.990, 6.581, 6.586, 6.591 thru 6.596 of Eugene Code, 1971.
Approved Date
Ruth F. Bascom
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~ 5 } Certification . In the case of any notification made under th i s <br />section, the industrial user shall certify that i t has a program i n place to <br />reduce the val ume and toxicity of ha~ardaus wastes generated to the degree i t has <br />determined to be econami cal 1 y practical . <br />fi.541 Industrial Pretreatment Prog,r,am -Agreements. Nothing contained in <br />^ mw i i i.nnnnri.r ~~rirnirr~ <br />sections 6, 501 to 5.521 of this code shal 1 be construed to roh i bi t <br />,p <br />an agreement between the c~ ty and any person whereby a d~ scharge why ch waul d <br />otherwise be proh~b~ted by sections 6.5e1 to 6.596 of this code may be admitted <br />to ,the city wastewater system. Such an agreement may be made when, i n the <br />op~n~an of the city manager, spedal circumstances justify such agreement, <br />provided that no interference ar pass through results from the discharge and no <br />additional costs are incurred by the city without recompense by the person. <br />Categorical pretreatment standards shat 1 not be waived by special agreement of <br />the parties. <br />' Pretreatment Program -Fees. <br />5 _L_n d u s t r~ a l ~~~~ ~.~~„ ~.,,~,.~~,r.~~~~r ,.~.~r,.,~r~ __ <br />~ 1 } Pur ose. It i s the purpose of this section to reduce the <br />city's cost of implementation of the pretreatment program through a system of <br />equitable charges or fees to be paid by the industrial users of the city <br />wastewater system who are subject to section fi. 551 ~ 1 } ~ a} of th i s code for certai n <br />services . The applicable charges or fees shall be set forth i n a schedul a of <br />fees established as provided in section 2.020 of this code. <br />~ 2 } Fees . When adopting fees as provided i n subsect i vn ~ 1 } of th i s <br />section the city manager may adopt fees to reduce the city's cyst of providing <br />the follaw~ng services: <br />~a} Setting up and operating the pretreatment program; <br />~ b} Sampling, monitoring, inspections and survei 11 once <br />procedures; <br />~c} Reviewing accidental discharge procedures and central; <br />~d} Reviewing and acting upon permit applications; and <br />fie} Other services as the city manager may deem necessary to <br />carry out the requirements contained in sections 5.501 to 6.595 of <br />this code. <br />fi.551 Industrial Pretreatment Pro ram -Administration. <br />~1} General. <br />~a} Monitorin facilities. When required by the city <br />manager, the i ndustri a1 user shall install and maintain at its <br />expense a sui tabl a control accesshol a to foci 1 i tote observation, <br />sampling and measurement of wastewater being discharged. Such <br />accesshol a shall be 1 orated, i f feasi bl e, where it i s accessi bl e <br />from a publ i c road or street. It shall be constructed i n accordance <br />with plans and at a 1 ocat i on approved by the city manager and shat l <br />be arranged so that flow measuring and sampling equipment and a <br />shutoff gate or a screen may be conveniently installed by the city. <br />fib} Ins ecti,on and, sam 1 in . The city may inspect the <br />face 1 ~ t~ es of any ~ ndustri al user as often as deemed necessary <br />~ s i gn i f i cant industrial users shawl d expect to be inspected no 1 ess <br />often than at least one to four times annually} to ascertain whether <br />the provisions of sections 6.501 to 5.596 of this code are being <br />complied with. The owner, operator or agent i n charge of the <br />Ordinance - 10 <br />
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