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performed in accordance with the procedures established by the EPA <br />pursuant to Section 304~g} of the Act and contained in 40 CFR Sec. <br />13fi or other applicable analytical procedures approved by the EPA. <br />To the degree practicable, the city manager wi 11 provide each <br />permit holder or applicant with information on applicable local , <br />state and federal wastewater analysis and reporting requirements, <br />provided, however, that any fai 1 ure to do so shall not excuse the <br />permit holder from compliance with said requirements . <br />{3} Mobi„l,e, w~„hauler ,,,,,,erm_ is . <br />~ a } Permit , r„equ i red , Any person proposing to be a mob i l e <br />waste hauler and any person the city manager has determined i s <br />likely to be a mobi l e waste hauler shat l secure a mobi l e waste <br />hauler discharge permit from the city. Any discharge by a mobi 1 e <br />waste hauler wi thout a permi t i s a vi of at i on of sections 6.501 to <br />fi . 59fi of this code except as provided i n subparagraph t b} of th i s <br />subsection . <br />fib} Appl i ca„t„ion. Any existing mobi 1 e waste hauler shal 1 <br />apply for a mobile waste hauler discharge permit within 3o days <br />after becoming subject to the requirements of subparagraph ~a} of <br />the s subsect~ on. Any new mobi l e waste hauler subject to the <br />requirements of subparagraph ~a} of this subsection shall apply at <br />1 east 30 days prior to its i n i ti a1 discharge. Applications shal 1 be <br />made to the city manager in writing on forms provided by the city <br />and shal 1 ~ ncl ude the fol 1 owe ng ~ nformati on <br />1. Name, address, telephone number and authori Zed <br />representative of the applicant; <br />~. SIC number and other state or federal 1 i cense <br />numbers; <br />3 . A 1 i st of environmental control permits held by or <br />for the applicant; <br />4. A description ~ of spill prevention measures or <br />plans which are currently in place for use during storage ar <br />discharge of wastewater; <br />5. A description of activities and methods of <br />collection, transportation, storage and discharge of <br />wastewater, a descri pti on of transportation and storage <br />f ac i 1 i t i es, and a general description of types and quantities <br />of all materials which are or could be discharged; and <br />fi. Proaf of adequate general 1 iabil ity and property <br />damage insurance. <br />The city manager shal 1 evaluate the data furnished by the applicant <br />and may determine that addi t i anal information or sampling of <br />wastewater characteristics is necessary. If such a determination is <br />made, the applicant, unless the time period i s extended, will be <br />given 30 days to provide the required information or sampling . I f <br />i t i s not provided within the designated time period, the <br />application shat l be denied . After determining that the submitted <br />appl i cati an contains al 1 the information required by thi s <br />subsection, the city manager shall consider the submission, any <br />additional evidence that may have been requested and any other <br />avai 1 abl a information relevant to the application . I f the city <br />manager determines that the proposed discharge meets the <br />requirements of sections b,501 to fi,59~ of this code, the city <br />manager shall, within 3o,days after determining that the application <br />~ s complete, ~ ssue a mobi 1 e waste hauler discharge permit subject to <br />4rdi Hance - lfi <br />