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in the order. Correction of the violation shall not preclude assessment of <br />monetary penalties. <br />~ 3 } The f i 1 i ng of an appeal pursuant to section 6.591 of this code <br />shall stay enforcement under this section pending final administrative action on <br />the appeal . This provision supplements and does not restrict other provisions <br />of this code, 1 aws or regulations authorizing termination of service far <br />delinquency in payment of fees ar charges. <br />6.516 industrial Pretreatment Pro ram - Publ i s Not i f i cat i on of S i n i f i cant <br />Noncomp,l„,once. The city shall publish i n a dai ly newspaper with the <br />largest daily circulation in the metropolitan area, not less than annually, a <br />]ist of those industrial users which during the previous 12 months were in <br />significant noncompliance with sections 6.501 to 6.596 of this code or the i r <br />discharge permits . This notification wi 11 surm'~ari ze enforcement action by the <br />c~ ty dur~ ng the same 12 months, For purposes of this section, an industrial user <br />is in significant noncompliance if its violation meets one or more of the <br />following criteria: <br />~a} Chronic violations of wastewater discharge limits, <br />defined herein as those i n which 66 percent or more of all of the <br />measurements taken duri ng a s i x month period exceed ~ by any <br />magnitude} the daily maximum 1 imit or the average 1 imit for the same <br />pollutant parameter; <br />fib} Technical review criteria ~TRC} violations, defined <br />herein as those i n which 33 percent or mare of all of the <br />measurements for each pollutant parameter taken during a six month <br />period equal or exceed the product of the daily maximum 1 imi t or the <br />average limit multiplied by the applicable TRC ~TRC=1.4 for BOD, <br />TSS, fats, oil and grease, and 1:2 for all other pollutants except <br />pH}~ <br />~c} Any other violation of a pretreatment effluent limit <br />dai l y maximum or l anger-term average} that the city manager <br />determines has caused, alone or i n combination with other <br />discharges, interference ar pass through ~ i ncl ud i ng endangering the <br />health of city personnel or the general public} ; <br />~d} Any discharge of a pal 1 utant that has caused imminent <br />endangerment to human health, welfare or to the environment or has <br />resulted i n the city's exercise of its emergency authority under <br />section 6.561 of this code to' halt or prevent such a discharge; <br />fie} Fai 1 ure to meet, within 90 days after the schedul a date, <br />a compliance schedule mi 1 estone for starting construction, <br />completing construction, or attaining f i na1 compliance; <br />~f} Failure to provide, within 30 days after the due date, <br />required reports such as baseline monitoring reports, 9o-day <br />compliance reports, periodic sel f wmon i tori ng reports, and reports on <br />compliance with compliance schedules; <br />fig} Failure to accurately report noncompliance; <br />~h} Any other violation or group of vi al ati ons which the <br />city manager determines wi 11 adversely affect the operation or <br />implementation of the 1 oca1 pretreatment program. <br />6.581 industrial Pretreatment Pro ram -~ Im lamentation. Nothing in <br />sections 6.501 to 6.596 shall prevent the city manager from seeking <br />Ordinance - 20 <br />