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collection of sewer user charges, i n accordance with any other provisions of th i s <br />code, or i n any other manner provided by 1 aw. <br />~fi} ~ppe,al . If the industrial user objects to any ci vi 1 penalty <br />or compl ~ once order issued pursuant to subsection ~ 1 } of this section, the <br />~ ndustr~ al user may appeal therefrom i n accordance with the provisions of section <br />2.021 of this code. <br />~ 1 } Pe,,,~t ~_es, cumu„1,,,~,t i ve , The penalties provided i n this section <br />shat i be i n addi ti an to any other remedy that the city may have pursuant to thi s <br />code or in any other manner provided by law. <br />6.591 Industrial Pretreatment Pro ram -Reconsideration and A eal. <br />~1}, Reconsideration b cit m na er. Any person aggrieved by any <br />dec ~ s ~ on or act ~ on of the c ~ ty manager, other than action under section 6.58fi of <br />this code, may file a written request with the city manager for reconsideration <br />thereof within ten days of receipt of notification of such dec i s i an or action . <br />The request for reconsideration shall be on a form provided by the city manager <br />and shall set forth i n reasonab1 a detail the decision or action objected to and <br />the facts and arguments supporting. the appellant's request for reconsideration. <br />The city manager may establish such procedures as may be deemed necessary or <br />proper to conduct the recons i derat i an process . The f i 1 i ng of a request for <br />reconsideration shall be a condi ti on precedent to the right to appeal to the <br />Metropolitan Wastewater Management~Commission MWMC} pursuant to subsection ~2} <br />of this section. <br />.~2} A eal to Metro olitan Wastewater Mana event Commission. Any <br />person aggro eved by the f ~ nal determ~ nat~ on of the city manager, other than <br />action under section 6.58fi of this code, may appeal such determination to the <br />MWMC. Written notification of .such appeal shall be f i 1 ed with the MWMC and city <br />manager within ten days after receipt of the final determination of the city <br />manager. A fee established as provided i n section 2.020 of this code shal 1 <br />accompany the notice of appeal f i 1 ed with the city. The notice of appeal shal 1 <br />be on a form provided by MWMC and shall set forth i n reasonable detai 1 the <br />decision or action appealed from and the facts and arguments supporting the <br />appel 1 ant's request for reversal or modification of the city manager's <br />determination . The MWMC shal 1 conduct a heari ng on the appeal according to <br />procedures to be established by the MWMC pursuant to paragraph 12 of the <br />Intergovernmental Agreement. The MWMC shall submit a copy of its findings and <br />recommendations regarding the appeal to the city counci 1 within ten days after <br />the hearing. The city counci 1 may hol d a heari ng on the recommendations and, i n <br />any event, shall take action on the recommendations within 20 days after thei r <br />filing. <br />6.59E Industrial Pretreatment Pro ram - Dama a to Facilities Correction of <br />violations. Any person who violates sections 6.501 to fi.59fi of this <br />code or a condi ti on of a di scharge permit, as a resul t of which the city performs <br />or causes to be performed preventive or corrective work or which results in <br />damage to the city wastewater system shall be liable to the city far such damage <br />and the cost of such preventive or corrective work, addi ti anal treatment and for <br />any penalties, including withholding of any grant money, 1 evi ed against the city <br />far violation of state ar federal permits resulting from said violation. The <br />city may collect such charges i n the manner provided i n this code for the <br />Ordinance - 22 <br />