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~.~N ~ B l~T ~~ B ~~ <br />FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS <br />SUBJECT: PAVING, CURB, GUTTERS, SANITARY AND STORM SEWERS ON WEST <br />2ND AVENUE FROM CLEVELAND STREET TG GARFIELD STREET <br />CONTRACT 93-O1~ JOB #2825} <br />BACKGROUND <br />This improvement project was initiated by a petition from a property owner who has agreed to bear <br />100% of the assessable cost. The properties petitioning for the improvements wi11 bear 26% of the <br />total improvement costs. Per an Intergovernmental Agreement between the City and Lane County, <br />dated October 27, 1992, Lane County agreed to, provide funding under the County's Economic <br />Development Assistance Program for Road Fund eligible costs X74% of improvement costs). <br />Based on the petition, the City Engineer initiated the project, as provided for in the Eugene Code <br />7.1608} on March 24, 1992 and the City Council formed the LID an January 25, 1993. The project <br />has been completed and final assessment costs have been calculated. <br />PROJECT <br />The project included street paving, curb, gutters and sanitary and storm sewers. <br />ASSESSMENT <br />Under City of Eugene assessment policy, 100 percent of the assessable costs will be distributed to the <br />abutting property owners, Below are the final unit assessable costs. <br />Sanitary sewer lateral $ 0.0841sq, foot <br />Paving storm sewer} $ 21.991front foot <br />Lane County $ 247,583.30 <br />Costs listed below are based on the engineer's estimate and preliminary costs quoted to property <br />owners at the Local Improvement D1stnct heanng following bid vpen~ng: <br />Storm & sanitary sewer $ 0.251sq. foot <br />Lane County $ 276,774.68 <br />Based on a request of the owner, the costs are being distributed on a percentage basis, to the 12 lots <br />within the subdivision and the Tamberlane costs were established by standard assessment procedures. <br />The final unit assessable casts are broken out as sanitary and storm sewers verses a combined rate <br />quoted at the time of LID formation. The storm sewers costs are being calculated on a per front foot <br />bases since all lots front the street and results in a d~stribut~on acceptable to the owner. Cne hundred <br />percent of the assessable casts for the storm and sanitary sewers are being born by the owner and the <br />code provides the flexibility to distribute in this manner if requested by the single effected party. <br />RECOMMENDATION <br />A public hearing regarding the proposed assessment was scheduled far 6:00 P.M, on November l8, <br />1993. No request to be heard or written testimony was received. However, the Hearing Official <br />received an November 17, 1993 Memorandum from the City Engineer outlining the above <br />information. <br />Based upon the available information, it is the finding of the Hearings Official that this project has <br />been initiated, bid and constructed in accordance with the provisions of the Eugene Code. It is the <br />further finding of the Hearings Official that the final improvement costs are lower than quoted at the <br />local improvement hearing, are less than most projects of this size, and that the assessments have been <br />properly calculated as to the benefitting properties. <br />