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~d} Everyday courtesy shown to prospective suppliers and <br />contractors; and <br />e fie} The way information on contracting opportunities is <br />prov ~ ded to suppl ~ ers, ~ ncl ud ~ ng but not 1 i mi ted to advertisement i n <br />publications of general circulation, and any other reasanabl e <br />methods that encourage competition and are consistent with sections <br />2.1200 to 2.1255 of this code. <br />The city may evaluate every .aspect of competition i n its effort to purchase <br />products or services, choose the appropriate solicitation process in accordance <br />with the criteria i n subsection ~ 1 } of this section, and arrive at offers that <br />represent optimal value to the city. <br />~3} The purchasing agent shal 1 mai ntai n a record of all publ i c <br />contracts awarded including those exempt under section 2.1230. Except for <br />contracts under $2, 500, the record shall include the bids solicited and received <br />and determinations made by the purchasing agent. <br />. ~4} ,Notwithstanding provisions of law requiring the city to enter <br />~ nta contracts w~ th the 1 owest responsible bidder and subject to subsection ~5} <br />of this section, any city employee charged with the purchase of materials and <br />supplies for any public use shat l give preference to the purchase of material s <br />and supplies manufactured from recycled materials. <br />~5} The city shall give preference to materials and supplies <br />manufactured from recycled materials i f <br />~a} The recycled product i s avai 1 abl e; <br />fib} The recycled product meets appl icab1e standards; <br />~c} The recycled product can be substituted for a comparabl e <br />nonrecycled product; and <br />~d} Recycled products casts do not exceed the costs of <br />nonrecycled products by more than five percent. <br />~~} The ci ty shal 1 purchase 1 ubri cati ng of 1 and i ndustri al of 1 from <br />the seller whose of 1 product contains the greater percentage of recycled vi 1, <br />unless a spec~f~c oil product containing recycled oil is: <br />~a} Not avai 1 abl a wi thi n a reasonabl a period of time or i n <br />quant~t~es necessary to meet the city's needs; <br />fib} Nat able to meet the performance requirements or <br />standards recommended by the equipment or vehicle manufacturer, <br />including any warranty requirements; or <br />~c} Avai 1 abl a only at a cost greater than 105 percent of the <br />cost of comparable virgin of 1 products. <br />Section 2. Subsection ~1} of Section 2.1230 of the Eugene Code, 1971, is <br />amended by adding new subparagraphs ~o} and gyp} thereto, to provide: <br />2.1230 Public Contracts - Exem tians and Classifications. <br />~ 1 } The fal 1 owi ng classes of public contracts are exempt from <br />competitive bidding as public contracts that do not encourage favoritism or <br />substantially diminish competition and that result in substantial cost savings: <br />~o} . Contracts between public agencies uti 1 i zi ng an existing <br />sol i c~ tats on or current requirement contract of one of the pubi i c <br />agencies that is party to the contract for which: <br />1. The on g i na1 contract met the requirements of <br />Ordinance - 2 <br />