<br />The total amount deducted from the accounts for properties eligible for the subsidy is $7,517.05. This dollar ~~~'
<br />~ figure ~s removed from the amount to be assessed. Before incorporating the cast into the City's share of the
<br />~ project, however, it is necessary to remove the 6% finance and administrative fee attributable to this portion of th
<br />~ assessable costs. The $7,517.05 is actually x ~proportianate share of direct and indirect costs to be assessed +
<br />6°/° of x. Therefore, the actual % reduc#ian is based an 61106 or 5.66°/a. This resui ~ - ~
<br />is ~n $7,517.45 .0556
<br />X425.46. The remainder, $7, 091.58 is to be charged to the Street Assessment Subsidy Fund. Both SPA and th
<br />~ Assessment vlvorksheet will reflect these f nal project amounts. The assessment spreadsheet, which generates
<br />;the amounts to be assessed to each account, wfii be annotated prior to microfilming to reflect the changes made
<br />due to the subsidy program.
<br />1
<br />f
<br />~7 03 34 32 04540
<br />Acct# 19930026008
<br />Shirley, Pat
<br />1l 03 30 32 04900
<br />Acct# 19930026012
<br />Spencer, Paul
<br />~ 7 03 34 32 05000
<br />Acct# 19930026013
<br />Spencer, Paul
<br />Improvement Improvement
<br />ape Description
<br />Lateral Sanitary Latera!
<br />Paving Street Improvements
<br />Service Sanitary Service
<br />TOTAL
<br />Improvement Improvement
<br />Ty.~.~ Descriotion
<br />Latera! Sanitary Lateral
<br />Paving Street Improvements
<br />Service Sanitary Service
<br />TOTAL
<br />Improvement Subsidy~~SUbsidy Net Improvement
<br />Amount Level t,~~a::.:.: Amount Assessed
<br />$1, 785.65 NIA
<br />~~:a:...~N1A'` :
<br />~ ~ ~~~~ ~~
<br />785.55
<br />
<br />$3,547.37 Y ,
<br />0.333 ~.$.~;X824~
<br />$2,364.91
<br />1 134
<br />$
<br />NIA
<br />~ ,:~}"
<br />}.NSA
<br />7 1.~ "Y~~
<br />$~,134.~0
<br />~ .-
<br />$6,467.12 ~,~
<br />~.; ..
<br />~~{>.
<br />~~ t $5,284.66
<br />
<br />Improvement ..t:
<br />Subsidy~~~Su'bsidy~• •
<br />Net Improvement
<br />
<br />Amount
<br />Level 1.
<br />+w. m; ~ un~.:~•::~
<br />Amount Assessed
<br />
<br />$1,785.65
<br />NIA kh ~..,, .
<br />`~~:~,1,.=N•IA ~
<br />.,
<br />.
<br />•.
<br />;;<M
<br />~
<br />X1,785.65
<br />$3 547.37
<br />0
<br />.833 v~
<br />,
<br />:
<br />:.,
<br />::.
<br />~~§
<br />~$2955~~4
<br />$591.23
<br />_ 1 134.10 NIA r•; f~.vs, .NIA..
<br />,.~:~. . ,:~x rf•:.
<br />$1.,134.10
<br />$6,467.12 ~ ~~~ ~3, 5 ~ 0.98
<br />
<br />~~ ~~•~
<br />'y: }.~
<br />~~~.• ri•fYy
<br />Improvement Subsid s~f`S:u~~sial
<br />Y' .: y,
<br />
<br />
<br />et Im rovement
<br />p
<br />Amount Level `~~~Amourit ~ Amount A
<br />ssessed
<br />$2,032.91 NIA ":°~~ NIA;-~~
<br />.
<br />.
<br />. $2 032.91
<br />$4, 054.14 0.833 ,
<br />*
<br />{,$~3~3,1845 $675.69
<br />1134.10 NIA .:NIA~~
<br />a $x,134.10
<br />$7,221.15 ~ '~ .
<br />r
<br />;•. ~<~~
<br />.,:
<br />;: $3 842.70
<br /> ~:$75~ 1.05
<br /> $4~5.4fi
<br /> $1,09.58
<br />Improvement Improvement
<br />T~rpe Descri Lion
<br />Lateral Sanitary Lateral
<br />Paving Street improvements
<br />Service Sanitary Service
<br />TOTAL
<br />Tota( Reduction
<br />Backing out Finance and Adm[nistration Fee
<br />Total Cost to Subsidy Fund
<br />02108!94
<br />SUBASH.WK4
<br />