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ORDINANCE N4. 19910 <br />AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING HUMAN RIGHTS; AMENDING SECTIONS <br />4.615, 4.620, 4.625, 4.634, 4,635, 4.644, 4.645, AND <br />4.994 OF THE EUGENE CODE, 1971; ADDING SECTIONS 4.613 <br />AND 4.655 TO THAT CODE; AND DECLARING.AN EMERGENCY. <br />THE CITY OF EUGENE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br />Section 1. Sections 4.615, 4.620, 4.625, 4.630, 4.635, 4.644, 4.645, and <br />Subsection ~3~ of Section 4.990 of the Eugene Cade, 1971, are amended, and new <br />Sections 4.613 and 4.655 are added thereto, to provide: <br />Human R~' ghts <br />4.613 ,Human Rights. <br />_ ~1~ FF din„~s. The city finds that discrimination on the basis of <br />race, religion, cal or, sex, national origin, mari tat status, f ami 1 i a1 status, <br />age, sexual orientation, source of income and di sabi 1 i ty exists within the city. <br />The city finds that discrimination based on race, religion, color, sex, national <br />origin, mari tat status, f ami 1 i a1 status, age, sexual orientation, source of <br />income and di sabi 1 i ty poses a substanti a1 threat t0 the health, safety and <br />general welfare of the ci t i yens of Eugene. The city further finds that existing <br />state and federal proh~ b~ t~ ons against discrimination are not adequate and, <br />therefore, the c~ ty deems a t necessary and proper to enact a 1 ocal ordinance to <br />address these issues. <br />~ 2 ~ Pur ose . The city values the dignity and worth 4f al 1 human <br />be ~ ngs ,and ~ s camm~ tted to promot ~ ng ~ u st i ce, equity and i ncl us i v i ty by <br />respects ng cultural and ~ ndi vi dual diversity and fostering mutual understanding <br />among all people regardless of race, religion, color, sex, national origin, <br />mari tal status, fame 1 ~ al status, age, sexual orientation, source of income, or <br />di sabi 1 i ty. It i s the intent 4f the city that all people have an equal <br />opportune ty to party c~ pate ful 1y i n the 1 i fe of the city and that discriminatory <br />barriers to equal participation i n employment, hausi ng and public accommodations <br />be removed. The city has a compel l i ng interest i n eradicating and preventing <br />discrimination based on race, religion, color, sex, national origin, marital <br />status, farm 1 i al status, age, sexual ari entct i on, source of income, or <br />disability, and i n ensuring equal opportunity i n employment, housing and publ i c <br />accommodations. These code provisions represent the least restrictive means of <br />achieving the city's objectives. In furtherance of this policy, the provisions <br />of sects ons 4.613 to 4.655 of this ,code shall be broadly construed, cansi stent <br />with their remedial purpose. The purpose of including familial status, sexual <br />on entati on, and source of income i n these nondiscrimination code provisions i s <br />to ensure that peapl a are treated fairly and without regard to these issues i n <br />the matters of employment, housing and public accommodations . The inclusion of <br />farm 1 i al status, sexual orientation, and source of income i n these code <br />ordinance - 1 <br />