EXHIBIT ~' J~',~~~
<br />A arcel of land located in the northwest 114 of the northeast 114 of Section 2, Township 17
<br />P
<br />South Ran e 4 Wes of the 'Willamette Meridian, more particularly described as follows:
<br />g ~
<br />Be innin at the southwest corner of the Garrett Maupin Donation Land Clairn DLC}
<br />g g
<br />Number 54 said townshi ,range and section; thence along the south Tine of said DLC 54,
<br />P
<br />North. 89°39'22" East, 564.39 feet, more or less, to the northwest corner of JiII Acres, as
<br />ed at Book 47 Pa e 18 Lane County Oregon Plat Records; thence leaving said DLC
<br />record g f
<br />line and aloe the west Tine of said JiI1 Acres, South 0°06'52" East, 644.57 feet, more or
<br />g
<br />the northwest corner of that arcei as described at Reel 1603, Instrument number
<br />less, to P
<br />2886 Lane Count ire on Deed Records tLCDR}; thence along the west Line of said
<br />895 Y g
<br />went number 8952886 South 4°06'52" East, 97.93 feet, more or less, to the northeast
<br />Insfiruu r
<br />rner of that arcel as described at Reel 1622, Instrument number 9013196, LCDR; thence
<br />ca p
<br />e north Tine of said Instrument number 9013196, South 89°34'05" Wes#, 9fl.Q0 feet,
<br />along th
<br />mare or Less' thence along the west line of said Instrument number 9013196,
<br />0°OS' 54" Eas i 84.06 fee more or less, to the northerly right-of-way line of Spring
<br />South t, ~
<br />reek Drive• thence aloe the said northerly right-of-way line, South 89°33'28" West, 61.98
<br />C g
<br />fee more or Less to the southeast corner of that parcel as described at Reel 1485 ~
<br />nt number 8749221 LCDR; thence along fine east line of said Instrument number
<br />Instrume
<br />0°23'34" Wes 444.99 feet, more ar less; thence along the north line of said
<br />8749221, North ~
<br />ber 8749221 South 89°3405" 'West, S 1.07 feet, more or less, to the east Tine
<br />Instrument num ,
<br />described at Reel 1116 R, Instrument number 8103480, LCD thence along
<br />of that parcel as
<br />said Instrument number 8103480, North. 4°24'04" West, 231.91 feet, more or
<br />the east lua~e of
<br />• aloe the north Tine of said Instrument n ber 8103480, South 89°31'54" West,
<br />less, thence g ~
<br />fee more or Tess to the east line of the James Watson DLC Number 47, said
<br />330.90 t, ,
<br />ran a and section' thence along the east line of said DLC 47, North 0°34'QO" East, y
<br />township, g a
<br />6 77 fee more or less to the int of beginning herein, all in Lane County, Oregon.
<br />Z4. t, , Po
<br />Page ~ of ~
<br />C EU g4 - 02
<br />F~ nal Order 992
<br />