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APPLICANT'S STATEMENT <br />SV 94-1 -- School District 4J <br />The portion of the willagillespie Street that is being requested for vacation is presently <br />being used by the Willagillespie School for parking, service deliveries, and bus <br />loading/un-loading. This section of the right-of way is not being used for the traf'f<c flow <br />of willagillespie Street. The new alignment for the street is to the west with the easterly <br />curb and sidewalk being westerly of the portion being requested for vacation. <br />Sewer, water, electrical, gas, telephone and telegraph, pipes and lines, and other utilities <br />lie within the area being requested for vacation. The easement for the placement, <br />construction, repair, etc., of these utilities will be conveyed to the City of Eugene with the <br />Conveyance of Utiility Easement document. This document will be filed at the time of <br />request for vacation. <br />The Public 1Norks Department for the City of Eugene has no plans for widening the <br />existing traveled portion of the street to the east. There are no plans for a lane <br />configuration change in the area. The vacation is consistent with the transportation plans. <br />eps~14j5vac.stm <br />