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Section 4, Subsection ~3 } ~ a} of Section 3.212 of the Eugene Code, 1911 ~ s <br />amended, and a new Subsection ~4} added thereto, to provide: <br />3.212 Solid Waste and Rec clip -Rec clip . <br />~3} As part of a program to educate and inform customers with <br />respect to reducing, reusing and recycling material , each solid waste col 1 ector <br />shall provide: <br />€ a} Recycling notification and educational packets for al l <br />new residential and commercial collection customers specifying the <br />materi al s col l ected, co11 ecti on schedule, and materi a1 s preparation <br />and recycling benefits; and <br />~4} Each solid waste collector shall provide recycling service to <br />each of its commercial sal id waste customers. <br />Section 5. Subsections ~5} of Section 3,215 of the Eugene Code, 1911 is <br />repealed, and Subsections ~3} and ~4} thereof are amended, tv provide: <br />3.215 Solid Waste and Rec cl i n -Rates . <br />~3} Licensees may request a rate adjustment in the manner <br />established by administrative rule of the city manager issued pursuant to <br />prove si ons of the s code. <br />~4} The city manager or designee shall respond to proposed rate <br />changes within 60 days of receipt of the request. <br />Section 6. Subsection ~1} of Section 3.282 of the Eugene Code, 1911, is <br />amended to provide: <br />3.282 „Solid Waste „and, Recy_c,,,„~ n,g~,Li m ta,t i ons . <br />r <br />~ 1 } No sol i d~ waste collection ~ i censee shall operate a veh i cl e i n <br />the Eugene Pedestrian Mall , as defined i n section 4.811 of this code, between <br />10:04 a.m. and 5:44 p.m, unless the licensee obtains express permission from the <br />city manager or designee. Each sot i d waste collector shall obtai n a mal 1 vehi cl e <br />access permit before operat i ng a veh i cl e i n the Eugene Pedestrian Mall . The city <br />manager or designee may grant permission to allow collection of construction, <br />demolition or restaurant debris i f the pubs i c health or safety so requires . <br />Section 7. Anew Section 3.080 is added to the Eugene Code, 1911, to <br />prOVide: <br />3.080 Business licenses - A~ea~. Unless a different procedure is <br />s ec ~ f i , ~.~~~~~,~ ~_,.,.~...~. <br />p ' ed I i n anothler section of this chapter, any persona ri sued <br />. . 99 <br />by an adm~n~strative action taken pursuant to this chapter may appeal the action <br />within the time and in the manner provided in section 2.021 of this code. <br />Ordinance - 3 <br />