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Chambers, City Hall, in Eugene, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing objections to the <br />withdrawals, and directed that notice of the time and place of the hearing be published once <br />each week for two consecutive weeks prior to the hearing and be posted in four public <br />places in the City for the same period. <br />The Notice has been so published in the Register Guard and posted in four public <br />places in the City of Eugene, Oregon. <br />The Ci is willin to assume the liabilities and indebtedness reviousl contracted b <br />tY g p y Y <br />the Districts proportionate to the parts of the Districts that have been annexed to the City <br />upon the effective date of the withdrawals. <br />The withdrawals of the annexed territories from the Districts is consistent with the <br />fundamental principles and applicable polices of the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area <br />General Plan, and other adopted City policies, and it is in the best interest of the City that <br />the territories be withdrawn. <br />NUS; THEREFGRE, <br />THE CITY QF EUGENE DGES GRDAIN AS FOLLUWS: <br />Section 1. The territory in Lane County, Oregon, annexed to the City of Eugene on <br />May 27,1994 by Notice of the Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission dated <br />June S, 1994, as bounded and described as follows: <br />Tax Lot 8900, Assessor's Map 17-04-24 2 4, located in the southern portion <br />of River Road, west of River Road, south of Marian Lane, and more <br />particularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein <br />by reference. Daniels, EC EU 94-33). <br />is hereby withdrawn from the River Road Water District and River Road Parks & <br />Recreation District, effective July 1,1995. <br />Section Z. The territory in Lane County, Oregon, annexed to the City of Eugene on <br />June 21,1994 by Notice of the Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission dated <br />June 23,1994, as bounded and described as follows: <br />'Pax Lots 202 and 203, Assessor's Map 17-04-14 41, located in the northern <br />portion of River Road, west of River Road, south of Hamilton Street between <br />Barton Street and Evergreen Drive, and more particularly described on <br />Exhibit B attached hereto and incorporated herein b reference. Our <br />Y ~ <br />Redeemer Lutheran Church, EC EU 94-40~. <br />is hereby withdrawn from the River Road Water District and River Road Parks & <br />Ordinance - 2 <br />