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amendment . A ci t i zen initiating a Metro P1 an type I I <br />amendment must own the property subject to the amendment. <br />4. A citizen may seek council initiation of a Metro <br />Plan type II amendment subject to the above requirements <br />regarding Metro Plan type I amendments initiated by the <br />council at the request of a citizen. <br />~ 2 ~ When P1 an amendments can be initiated . Amendments to the Metro <br />Plan shall be initiated and considered at the fall awi ng times <br />~a~ The city council may i ni ti ate a type I or type I I Metro <br />Plan amendment at any time. Consideration of this type of amendment <br />shall begin immediately thereafter, <br />~b~ Citizen initiated type I I Metro P1 an amendments may be <br />appl red for at any time. The initial public hearing on an <br />application shat 1 take place within 6G days of acceptance of a <br />complete application . <br />~c} Consideration of a citizen initiated Metro P1 an <br />amendment shall be postponed i f the proposed amendment i s also part <br />of an existing planned refinement plan or special area study <br />adoption or amendment process, or one that is scheduled to commence <br />within three months of the date of app1 i cats on submittal . Such a <br />requested Metro P1 an amendment shat 1 be considered i n the <br />legislative proceedings of the refinement plan or special area <br />study. If the refinement plan or sped ai area study process has not <br />begun within the three month period, the Metro Plan amendment <br />application process shat 1 begin immediately fall owi ng the three <br />month period. ,The planning director may except particular plan <br />amendment appl ~ cats ons from postponement under this subsection and <br />require more immediate review if the planning director finds that <br />either there is a public need for earlier consideration or that <br />review of the proposed amendment as part of a general refinement <br />plan or specs a1, area study adoption or amendment process wi l l <br />~ nterfere w~ th t ~ me1 y comps et i on of that process . <br />~ 3 ~ Where Plan Amendment a l i c at i on i s filed . Citizen initiated <br />Metro Plan amendment app1 i cat i on s sha11 be filed i n the planning office of the <br />home city if within the UGB, or with Lane County if outside the UGB and the <br />amendment is not a request to expand the UGB. <br />9,124 Metro P1 an - Referr,,,,,,,,,~ of P1 an Amendment. Al 1 Metro P1 an <br />amendments outside the city l imits of Eugene shall be referred to the <br />city of Spri ngf i e1 d for cans i derati on of reg i ona1 impact. lane County shal l <br />participate in the hearing and decision of all Metro P1 an amendments outside the <br />city 1 i mi is . Al 1 Metro P1 an amendments inside the city 1 i mi is shall be referred <br />to the cirty of Spri ngf i e1 d and lane County so they may participate as parties to <br />the hearing. All referrals shall occur within ten days of the plan amendment <br />initiation date. Any referral that is provided for the purpose of determining <br />regional impact shall be answered by the referral jurisdiction within 45 days of <br />receipt of the referral . Failure of a juri sdi cti on to take action on the <br />referral within 45 days from the date of referral shall be deemed a finding of <br />no regional impact. If a referral jurisdiction adopts a resolution, ordinance, <br />or order f i ndi ng that the proposed amendment has a rags anal impact, that referral <br />jurisdiction may participate in the~decision if it so chooses. A11 jurisdictions <br />Ordinance - 4 <br />