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receipt of the staff report, the p1 ann i ng commissions of Eugene, Springfield, and <br />Lane ,County shall hol d a jai nt public hearing on the praposed plan amendment. The <br />prov~s~ons of section 9.1303} a.f this code apply to the joint planning <br />commission hearing. Within 30 days after the proposed plan amendment hearing and <br />close of the evidentiary record, each planning commission shall make a <br />recommendation to its governing body on the proposed Metra P1 an amendment. <br />~4} . Governin bodies' action. Within 30 days after the last <br />pl ann ~ ng comma ss ~ on acts on the Metro Plan amendment proposal , the governing <br />bodies of Eugene, Springfield and lane County shall hol d a joi nt pub1 i c hearing <br />on the,plan,amendment. The governing bodies' decision shall be based solely on <br />the ev~dent~ary record created before the planning commissions. No new evidence <br />shall be allowed at the governing body joint hearing. Within 3o days after the <br />joint public hearing, each governing body shall approve, modify and approve, or <br />deny the praposed Metro P1 an amendment , Each governing body shat 1 take action <br />by ordinance with adopted findings and conclusions an whether the proposal or <br />modified proposal ~ meets the approval criteria. The actions of the governing <br />bod ~ es are f ~ na1 i f all three governing bodies adapt identical decisions . The <br />date the last governing body acts shall be the date the action becomes effective. <br />The conflict resolution provisions of section 9.1325} of this code apply if the <br />governing bodies do not adopt identical ordinances. <br />9.136 Metro Plan -Plan Amendment Processes: General Provisions. <br />~ ~ } Process for overnment initiated 1 an amendments . A di fferent <br />process, timeline, or bath, than the processes and timelines specified i n <br />sections 9,130, 9.132, ar 9.134 of this code may be established by the governing <br />bodies of Eugene, Spri ngf i e1 d and Lane County for any government initiated Metro <br />Pl an amendment . <br />~2} Time frame waiver. The time frames prescribed in connection <br />with the Metro Plan amendment processes can be waived if affected property owners <br />agree to the waiver. <br />~3} Bar on resubmi tta1. No privately initiated Metro P1 an <br />amendment, application to Eugene shall be considered i f a substanti ally simi 1 ar <br />or ~ dent ~ cal plan amendment has been denied within the year prior to the <br />application date unless the facts forming the basis for the denial have changed <br />so as to allow approval . The p1 ann i ng director shall determine whether the <br />proposed amendment is substantially similar or identical after providing the <br />applicant with an opportunity to comment on the matter in writing. <br />~4} Re1 ati onshi to refinement 1 an or functional 1 an amendments. <br />When a Metro P1 an ,amendment i s enacted that requires an amendment to a ref i nement <br />plan or functional plan diagram or map for consistency, the Metro P1 an dia ram <br />g <br />amendment automat~ca1ly amends the refinement plan or functional plan diagram or <br />map i f no amendment to the refinement p1 an or functional p1 an text i s i Wool ved . <br />When a Metro P1 an diagram amendment requi res a ref i nement p~ an or functional plan <br />diagram or map and text amendment for cans i stency, the Metro Plan, refinement <br />plan and functional plan amendments shall be processed concurrently. <br />~5} Re1 ati onshi of amendment rocess to Metro P1 an u date and <br />eri odi c review. An update of any element of the Metro P1 an requi res initiation <br />and approval by all three jurisdictions. Amendments to the Metro Plan that <br />result from state-mandated periodic review require approval by all three <br />jurisdictions. <br />~6} Severabilit of lan amendment ado tion actions. When <br />Ordinance - 8 <br />