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ORDINANCE N0, 19995 <br />AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT; AND <br />AMENDING SECTIONS 9.035, 9.512, 9,546 AND 9.fi20 OF THE <br />EUGENE CODE, 1911. <br />THE CITY OF EUGENE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br />Section 1. Subsection ~4} of Section 9.035 of the Eugene Code, 1911 is <br />amended by adding anew subparagraph fig} thereto, to provide: <br />9.035 Subdivision Tentative Plan Procedure. <br />~4} Tentative Subdivision P1 an - P1 anni n Director Decision. <br />Un1 ess the applicant agrees to a 1 onger time period, the planning director shall <br />approve, cond i t i ona11 y approve, or deny a tentative plan application with <br />findings and conclusions thereon, within 34 days of receipt of a compl ete and <br />accurate application . The planning director's decision shat 1 be based on the <br />fallowing criteria: <br />fig} The street layout of the proposed subdivision sha11 <br />disperse motor traffic onto more than one public 1 acal street when: <br />1. The subdivision exceeds 19 lots; or <br />2. The sum of proposed subdivision lots and the <br />existing lots utilizing a publ i c 1 ocal street would exceed 19 <br />lots, <br />and that public 1 ocal street i s the s i ng1 a means of ingress and <br />egress; unless the planning director determines it is not feasible <br />due to physical constraints, such as topography, the previous 1 ayout <br />of the surrounding area, or similar constraints. <br />Section 2. Subsection ~fi}~c}3. of Section 9.512 of the Eugene Code, 1911, <br />is amended to provide: <br />9,512 Tentative Plan Consideration. <br />~6} . Decision. Unless the applicant agrees to a 1 onger time period, <br />the hearings off~c~al shall approve, conditionally approve, or deny a tentative <br />p1 an appl ~ cats on w~ th f ~ nd~ ngs and conclusions thereon, within 15 days fo11 owi ng <br />the close of the public hearing and the retard. Within five days after the <br />decision is rendered, the hearings official shall mail a notice thereof to the <br />applicant, coordinator, and persons who have requested notification. Decisions <br />pertaining to a parti cut ar phase shall i nc1 ude review and recagni ti on of the <br />entire deve1 opment. Decisions i n al l phases shat 1 be based on the fo11 awi ng <br />criteria: <br />~c} The proposed deve1 opment's general design and character, <br />including but not 1 imi ted to anticipated bui 1 di ng 1 ocati ons, but k <br />and height, location and distribution of recreation space, parking, <br />Ordinance - 1 <br />