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FIELAND Kate A <br />From: Glenn KLEIN [] <br />Sent: Thursday, July 25, 2002 9:18 AM <br />To; <br />Cc:;; Joan WISE <br />Subject: Re: Missing ordinance <br />Kate - If it wasn't signed back then, it is too late to have it signed <br />now ~tho, as explained below, it doesn't matter. How can you be sure <br />it was signed? <br />As a legal matter, it doesn't matter whether it was signed or not, sa <br />long as it wasn't vetoed. Section 30 of the Charter provides that if <br />the Mayor does not return an ordinance rafter a veto within 10 days to <br />the Council, "the ordinance shall have legal effect as if so approved." <br />So -unless you have a way of demonstrating it was signed, simply <br />record the ordinance with a note that it was passed 6-0, and not vetoed <br />or returned by the Mayor. <br />Glenn Klein <br />Harrang Long Gary Rudnick PC <br />101 E Broadway Suite 400 <br />Eugene OR 97401 <br />541-485-0220 <br /> <br />This message is a confidential communication under the attorney-client <br />or attorney work product privilege. <br />»> FIELAND Kate A {> 07/25/02 09:OSAM <br />»> <br />Please see the attached council minutes adapting Grdinance No. 19996, <br />121511994. We do not have a copy of this ordinance in archives or on <br />microfiche, nor was it recorded as it should have been. Sarita got an <br />unsigned copy from planning, but is going to go pull the agenda item <br />summary <br />from archives to make sure we have the correct copy. 1 am assuming we <br />want <br />to get it signed and recorded. <br />Good news is, l was still the deputy city recorder till the 9th when <br />Maggie <br />was sworn in. This evidently was passed my last week of training <br />Maggie, so <br />it would be impassible to figure out what happened. <br />How do we get this resigned...or signed? <br />111. PUBLIC HEARING: ORDINANCE CONCERNING A STREET VACATION <br />~BREEDEN LAND CGMPANY--SV 94-3~ <br />City Manager Mike Gleason introduced the item, noting that staff was <br />present <br />to answer the council's questions. <br />Mayor Ruth Bascom opened the public hearing. <br />