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ORDINANCE NO. 19999 <br />AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING OFFENSES; ADDING SECTIONS 4.105 <br />AND 4.107 TO THE EUGENE CODE, 1911; AND AMENDING SECTION <br />4.990 OF THAT CODE. <br />THE CITY OF EUGENE DOES ORDAIN AS FO~LOwS: <br />Section 1. Sections 4.1o5 and 4.107 are added to the Eugene Code, 1911, <br />to provide: <br />4.105 Offense ve Ph, s~ ca„ ,act,hi bi ted. <br />,_' l Cont„ <br />~ 1 } No person shal ~ cause or attempt to cause another arson <br />p, <br />reasonably to apprehend that the person w~11 be subjected to offensive physical <br />contact e ~ ther to the ~ r person or to personal property i n the person' s immediate <br />possession. <br />~~} This section sha11 not apply to any activity otherwise .made <br />1 awful including, but not limited to, lawful protesting activity and 1 awful <br />picketing activity. . <br />4.701 Pedestrians. <br />. ~1} No person shall block or interfere with, ar attempt to block <br />or ~ nterf ere w~ th, any person al ong a publ ~ c s i dewal k by any means, including but <br />not limited to standing on that part of the sidewalk used for pedestrian travel <br />or placing any object or vehicle i n such area, ,with the intent to interfere with <br />free passage. <br />~2} No person shall block or interfere with, or attempt to block <br />or interfere with, pedestrian ar vehicular entrances to public ar private <br />property abutting a public sidewalk with the intent to interfere with the free <br />ingress to or egress from such property. <br />~3 } This sect i an shal 1 not apply to any activity otherwise made <br />1 awful ,including, but not ~ imi tad to, lawful protesting activity and lawful <br />picketing act~v~ty. <br />Section 2 . The matrix set forth i n Subsection ~ 1 } of Section 4.990 of the <br />Eugene Code, 1971, i s amended by adding the fol l awi ng i n numerical order therein, <br />to provide: <br />4.990 Penalties - S ecific. <br />. ~ 1 } e ,violation of the fo11 owi ng sections i s punishable by fine or <br />cvnf ~ nement ~ n ~ a~ l , or both, up to the amounts indicated apposite each <br />Section Pena1t <br />4.705 1000 fine or 100 days in jail, or both <br />4.101 1000 fine or 100 days in jail, or both <br />Ord i n once - 1 <br />