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Qn March ~, I995, The City Council held a public hearing on the Planning Commission's <br />recommendation concerning CIR housing code amendments. Notice of the hearing was <br />provided ~ in accordance with Chapter ~, Amendment Procedures, Eugene Code Section <br />9.1I36. Gn that date, the City Council considered the public testimony, the Planting <br />Commission's record, and materials and information provided to the City Council. The City <br />Council approved a motion to adapt the ordinance as recommended by the Planning <br />Commission. <br />~ndin s <br />The Eugene City Council hereby makes the following findings that the ordinance concerning <br />Controlled Income and Rent Housing is consistent with adopted plans, policies, and <br />standards . <br />The regulation of controlled income and rent with density increase is provided in order to <br />encourage the construction of more pausing far families and individuals who cannot get <br />decent, safe, and sanitary shelter in the open market for 30 percent of gross family income, <br />and whose incomes are limited to at ar below SO percent of the area median income. The <br />need to make special provision for low and moderate income housing has been recognized by <br />the city in the following policy documents: <br />a _ _ u ene s ommuru Goals and Pol~c,._ <br />~ } g __ _ _ ' - ,,,, „~t~.",.,,,,,,,,,,,.,,.. . , ies states that the city should be <br />receptive to specialized housing needs and adopt zoning in recognition of those <br />needs. <br />fib} The Ci 's 1990 Interim Housin Dis ersal Polic Plan reaffirms the city's <br />concern for tie provision and dispersal of low and moderate income housing by <br />citing the following goal statements: <br />To maximize housing choice, particularly for families of low-income, who <br />have traditionally been limited in the location of housing they could afford. <br />To discourage the creation of large areas characterized by households with <br />low-incomes. <br />To encourage the creation of additional housing resources for low~income <br />families <br />~c} The_Metropol~~an Area General,,,, Plan includes a specific finding relative to the <br />problem of maintaining an adequate supply of housing for low and moderate-income <br />households, an objective calling for encouragement and support of housing for <br />Iow-moderate income households, and policies calling for regulations that encourage <br />a variety of housing densities and types. The specific citations, found in the <br />Residential Land Use and Housing Element of the Metro Plan are as follows: <br />FINDINGS - - 2 <br />