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specific development i s to be constructed upon fill that i s <br />authorized under an approved wetland f i 11 permit from bath the <br />Oregon Division Of State Lands and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, <br />~2} the fill is consistent with the goals and policies of the West <br />Eugene Wetlands Plan including the designations on Map 3 of the <br />. Plan, and ~3} any mitigation requirements specified in the permits <br />have been substantially satisfied. <br />~3} Wet1 and buffer areas. Wetland buffer areas shall consist of <br />the area between the jurisdictional wetland boundary accepted by the Oregon <br />Division of State Lands and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the wetland <br />buffer setback line as specified in this subsection. Standard wetland buffer <br />setback distances are determined by the value .category of the adjacent wetland, <br />and whether or not the buffer setback area i s enhanced. Wetland vat ue categories <br />are defined according to the cri teri a contai ned i n the West Eugene Wetlands P1 an. <br />~a} wetl_and _val ue „ ,,, ca,tegori es. _ Three wetland value <br />categories shall be used for applying setbacks, buffer requirements <br />and other protection measures applied to wetlands designated for <br />pratecti an ~i n the West Eugene Wetlands P1 an protected wetlands} . <br />The three categories are: high value wetlands, moderate value <br />wetlands and 1 ow value wetlands . A 1 i st of protected wetland sites <br />indicating the wetland value category of each i s included i n the <br />West Eugene Wetlands P1 an. <br />fib} Standard wetland buffer setback distances. Standard <br />wetland buffer setback distances are measured horizontally from <br />jurisdictional .wetland boundaries accepted by the Oregon Division of <br />State Lands and the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. Wetland buffer <br />setbacks are of two types : Type I , i n which no enhancements are <br />required within the setback area, and Type II, in~which vegetative <br />and stormwater quality enhancements are required. Property owners <br />shall have the choice of whether the Type I ar Type II buffer <br />setback i s applied to their property, un1 ess a Type I buffer setback <br />would preclude any economically viable use of a parcel. In those <br />cases, a Type I I buffer setback, would be applied . Standard wetland <br />buffer setback distances are as follows: <br />1. High value wetlands shat l have a Type I setback of <br />I00 feet with no s i to enhancements; or a Type I I setback of 50 <br />feet meeting vegetative, stormwater, and other enhancement <br />standards as specified i n natural resources special standards <br />~a} through ~d} of section 9.305. <br />2. Moderate value wetlands shall have a Type I <br />setback of 50 feet with no site enhancements; or a Type I I <br />setback of 25 feet meeting vegetative, stormwater, and other <br />enhancement standards as specified in natural resources <br />special standards ~a} through ~d} of section 9.305. <br />3. Sower value mitigation/enhancement} wetlands. <br />Disturbed agricultural wetlands designated for enhancement or <br />mitigation i n the West Eugene Wetlands P1 an shal 1 not have a <br />buffer setback outside the wetland boundary. <br />~c} Buffer reduction for low intensit uses. A Io°/Q <br />reduction from the standard buffer setback distances shall be <br />allowed when the adjoining use is one of the following: low density <br />residential , public parks and open space, or agriculture. <br />Ordinance - 14 <br />