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Ordinance No. 20014
City of Eugene
1990s No. 19660-20183
Ordinance No. 20014
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Last modified
6/10/2010 3:48:24 PM
Creation date
11/25/2008 2:32:43 PM
Council Ordinances
A Special Ordinance granting an exemption to the application of Eugene Code, 1971, Section 6.200.
Approved Date
Ruth Bascom
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burns, air pollution control strategies that will be employed to prevent significant degradation of air <br />quality, the special recognition given to this area and habitat in the comprehensive planning <br />documenfi~, the City's direct responsibility under those plans for preservation of the natural resources <br />in this area, and the general public benefit derived from the preservation of this habitat. This limited <br />exception is unique and should not serve as precedent for future exceptions or signal any relaxation <br />of the City's commitment to preservation of air quality. <br />H. Exceptions to the open burning ban have been previously granted by the City Council <br />by Eugene Ordinance No.19403 enacted August 13,1956, Eugene Ordinance No. 19493 enacted <br />July 27,1987, Eugene Ordinance 19634 enacted September 11,1989, Eugene Ordinance 19715 <br />enacted September 12, 199, and Eugene ordinance 19983 enacted September 12, 1994. An <br />exception is again necessary to ensure the continued proper management of this natural resource <br />area. <br />NOW, THEREFORE, <br />THE CITY OF EUGENE DUES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br />Section 1. The finndings set forth above are adopted. <br />Section 2. The City shall continue to use its outdoor burning ordinance as one method for ~ ~~ <br />maintaining and improving air quality of the metropolitan area. <br />Section 3. An exception to the application of Eugene Code,1971, Sec~.on 6.24a is given to <br />the Bureau of Land Management and the Nature Conservancy to conduct periodic "species <br />protection" open burning of vegetation far scientific purposes and to foster growth of Wetlands <br />species in the area noted on the map attached as Exhibit A hereto and .incorporated herein by <br />reference, providing the following conditions are met: <br />a. Prior to commencement of any burn, the Bureau of Land Management <br />or The Nature Conservancy shall give notice to the Eugene Fire Marshal and the <br />Lane Regional Air Pollution Authority and shall obtain the approval of those <br />agencies to conduct the burn in the time, place and manner proposed. <br />b. The total area of open bunting shall be no greater than 90 acres, and <br />no more than 45 acres of open bunting shall be conducted within any one calendar <br />year. The total area of propane burning shall be no greater than 32 acres and no more <br />than 16 acres of propane burning shall be conducted within any one calendar year. <br />c. Environmental protection and fire suppression strategies, personnel <br />and equipment including wind direction, moisture regime, and fire fighting <br />equipment} shall be approved in advance by the Eugene Fire Marshal and Lane <br />Regional Air Pollution Authority. The Bureau of Land Management and The Nature <br />Ordinance • 2 <br />
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