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MEMORANDUM <br />May 23 , 1995 <br />TO ; Hearings Of f i ci a 1 <br />FROM : Les Lyle , City Engineer <br />SUBJECT : PAVING , CURBS , GUTTERS , SIDEWALKS , STORM SEWERS AND STREET LIGHT <br />CONDUIT ON WILLAKENZIE RDAD FROM REGENCY DRIVE TO 1340-FEET EAST. <br />~ CONTRACT 94.3 } ~ JDB #3131 } <br />BACKGROUND <br />This project was initiated by irrevocable petitions submitted to the City as a <br />condition of plat approval for new subdivisions bordering Wi 11 akenzi e Road. <br />The petitions sti put ate that the deve1 opments could not remonstrate against a <br />1 ocal improvement district ~ LID} for the construction of Wi 11 akenzi e Road <br />a1 ong with associated sidewalks , and storm sewers . All but three ~3} <br />properties within the proposed LID signed petitions which sti put ate that the <br />abutting properties wi 11 be obligated to pay for a maxi mum equi vat ent street <br />width of 36-feet . The petitions represent 72 percent support for the 1 ocal <br />improvement district . <br />Based on the petition , the City Engineer initiated the project , as provided <br />for in the Eugene Code 7.1608} On September 27, 1993 and the City Counci 1 <br />formed the LID on June 29 , 1994. The project has been completed , and f i na 1 <br />assessment costs have been calculated . <br />PROJECT <br />The project included construction of a 36-foot wide street with curbs , <br />gutters , storm sewer, street trees , and street 1 ~ ght conduit for future street <br />lights. <br />ASSESSMENT <br />Under City of Eugene assessment policy, 73 percent of the improvement costs <br />wi 11 be distributed to the abutting property owners . The final assessment <br />un ~ t costs are 1 i steel below <br />