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foreclosure of assessments levied by this ordinance shall be <br />deposited to the city funds which advanced the cost of construc- <br />tion, engineering and related expenses or which are used to retire <br />any indebtedness incurred by the City for this improvement. <br />Section 8, That the matters contained herein affect the public <br />welfare and safety and therefore, an emergency is hereby declared <br />to exist, and this ordinance shall become effective immediately <br />upon its passage by the City Council and approval by <br />the Mayor, retention by the Mayor for more than ten days, or <br />readoption aver a mayoral veto by two-thirds of all members of the <br />Council. <br />Passed by the City Council this <br />(~{~~~ day o f z,~ 19 9 5 <br />~ a~ <br />City ecorder <br />Approved by the Mayor this <br />day of ~1~~- 1995 <br />Mayor <br />ORDINANCE .. 5 <br />