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e ~ 1 } E1 ectri c i t consum ti on tax. Every person within the ci t who <br />uses el ectr~ cal ever receive ~ ~ Y • <br />gy d from a publ ~ c, pry vate, or mun ~ c~ pal ut ~ 1 ~ ty <br />shall pay ,a tax of one percent of all charges made for such ever As used i n <br />gy <br />the s sects an, "charges" shall include charges for metered ener and minimum <br />char es i ncl ud i n c ~~ gy • ~~ <br />g g ustomer charges and demand charges . Uses electrical energy <br />shall not ~ ncl ude the rece~ v~ ng of such energy by a ubl i c uti 1 i t eo 1 es <br />util it p y' p p <br />y d ~ str~ ct, rural el ectr~ c cooperative or municipal ut i 1 i t for resale or <br />the use of electr Y <br />~ c ~ ty by these ent ~ t ~ es ~ n the conduct of their bus ~ Hess as a <br />supplier of electricity. <br />~2} ,Natural ,,,was consumption tax. Every person within the ci t who <br />uses natural gas which is del~~~ivered through mains or i es shall a a tax <br />on p P ~ p y of <br />e percent of all charges made for such gas. There shall be excluded from the <br />base on wh ~ ch the tax ~ mposed i n this subsection i s com uteri char es which are <br />made: p g <br />~a} For gas which is to be resold and deli <br />vexed through <br />mains or pipes; <br />~ b} For gas to be used i n the generation of electrical or <br />other energy by a person or governmental agency which sells <br />electrical or other energy; or <br />~c} By a gas public utility for gas used and consumed i n the <br />. conduct of the bus ~ Hess of that gas public uti 1 i ty. <br />~3} „Water con umpt,i o,n,,, tax. Every person within the ci t who uses <br />water which ~s su lied thr y <br />pp ough may ns or p~ pes, shall pay a tax of one percent <br />of al 1 charges made for such water. There shall be excluded from the base on <br />which the tax imposed i n this subsection i s computed charges which are: for water <br />which i s to be resold and delivered through mains ar i es; or char es made b <br />PP g y <br />a mun i ci pal water department, public utility or water d i stri ct for water used and <br />consumed by such department, utii ity or district. <br />~4} Cabl a tel ev„i s~ on consur~pti o,,n, tax,. Every erson wi thi n the ci t <br />who uses cab1 a television services steal 1 pay a tax of one extent of all char <br />p ges <br />made for such services. <br />~5}, Sewer services consum tion tax. Every person in the tit who <br />uses or has available for use y <br />sanitary sewers and/or stormwater sewers shall pay <br />a tax of one percent of all charges made for such services. As used herei n <br />"sanitary sewer" has the meaning provided in section 1,010 of this code and <br />"stormwater sewer" has the meaning provided i n section fi, 40fi of this code, <br />3,131 Affordable-Housin Util it Consum tion Tax - Exem bons. Nothin in <br />sections 3.125 to g <br />3.149 shall be construed as imposing a tax upon any <br />person i f i mpos i ti on of such tax upon that person would be i n violation of the <br />Constitution of the United States or the Cons i tuti on of the State of Ore on . <br />g <br />3.133 affordable-Housin Ut i 1 i t Consum ti on Tax -Collection of Tax. <br />~ 1 } , The taxes imposed by section 3.129 shall be collected from the <br />serve ce users 1 ~ ab1 a for payment of the tax by the service suppliers . Al l <br />~} <br />amounts so collected shat l be deemed trust funds held by the service su 1 i er s <br />pP ~ } <br />for the benef ~ t of the c~ ty. The amount of tax co.l l ected i n one month shall be <br />remitted to the city manager on or before the 20th day of the fol l owi n month. <br />2 insof g <br />~ } ar as pract~ cabl e, the tax shall be collected at the same <br />Ordinance - 2 11 28 95 <br />11 <br />