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ORDINANCE NO. ~G ~ <br />AN ORDINANCE CALLING A CITY ELECTION TO BE <br />CONDUCTED BY THE LANE COUNTY ELECTIONS <br />DEPARTMENT oN THE 12TH DAY of MARCH, 1996 FoR <br />THE PURPOSE of REFERRING To THE LEGAL <br />ELECTORS of THE CITY of EUGENE FoR THEIR <br />APPROVAL oR REJECTION, A MEASURE AMENDING <br />THE EUGENE CHARTER of 1976 RELATED To <br />IlVIPOSITION 4F A UTILITY CoNSUMPTIQN TAX UNDER <br />SPECIFIC CONDITIONS. <br />The City Council of the City of Eugene finds as follows: <br />A. The City has authority under the Eugene Charter, the Gregor Constitution, <br />state statutes, and the Eugene Code, 1971, to submit measures to the electorate of the City. <br />B. The measure, attached as Exhibit A hereto, amends the Eugene Charter of <br />1976 by adding a new Section 54 thereto that would require the City Council to im ose a <br />P <br />utility consumption tax an consumers of electrici ,natural as water cable TV and sewer <br />tY g <br />services within the City, except those exempted by Ordinance of the City Council, in order <br />to fund affordable-housing and energy assistance ro'ects rovidin :the total ercenta e <br />P J ~p g p g <br />of the utility consumption tax does not exceed 1 % of the charges for the utili service 90% <br />~ a <br />of the tax proceeds are dedicated to funding affordable-housing projects and la% of the tax <br />proceeds are dedicated to provding energy assistance to low income persons within the Ci ; <br />and the tax shall terminate after ten years, unless a majority of electors at a ci -wide <br />election authorize a continuation of the tax. <br />NoW, THEREFORE based upon the above findings, <br />THE CITY of EUGENE DQES ORDAIN AS FQLLOWS: <br />Section 1. A special election is called to be held on Tuesday, March 12,1996, far the <br />purpose of submitting to the qualified voters of the City of Eugene, far their ado tion ~or <br />P <br />Grdinance -1 1 ~rZS~5 <br />