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ORDINANCE NO. 20043 <br />AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING ALARM SYSTEMS, AND AMENDING AND <br />RENUMBERING SECTION 4.935 OF THE EUGENE CODE, 1971 TO <br />4.933 ; ADDING NEW SECTIONS 4.934 AND 4 , 935 TO THAT CODE ; <br />AMENDING SECTIONS 4.936, 4, 937, AND 4, 990 OF THAT CODE; <br />AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE . <br />THE CITY OF EUGENE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS <br />Section 1. Section 4.935 of the Eugene Code, 1971 i s renumbered 4.933 and <br />amended, new Sections 4.934 and 4.935 are added to that Cade, and Sections 4.936, <br />and 4.937 of that Code, are amended to provide: <br />4, 933 Al arm Systems -,,,, Defi,,,ni ti ons . Far purposes of sections 4.933 to <br />4.937 , the fal 1 owi ng words and phrases mean <br />Alarm business . The business of any individual , partnership, <br />corporation or other entity sel 1 i ng, leasing, maintaining, <br />servicing , repairing , a 1 teri ng , replacing , moving or i nsta 11 i ng any <br />alarm system or causing to be sold, 1 eased, maintained, serviced, <br />repaired , a 1 tered , rep 1 a ced , moved ar i nsta 11 ed any a 1 a rm system i n <br />or an any bui 1 di ng, structure or foci 1 ity, <br />Alarm central station . The business of any individual , <br />partnership, corporation or other entity of monitoring the status of <br />alarm systems not at the alarm central station 1 ocati on and <br />reporting any alarm activations or changes i n status to any police, <br />fire, public safety or other governmental agency, <br />Alarm system. Any assembly of equipment, mechanical or <br />e1 ectri cal , designed to detect fire or unauthorized entry into or <br />upon premises or for a1 erti ng others of an unlawful act within ar <br />upon premises , and which , when activated, signals the occurrence of <br />the activity by transmitting by any means a si gnal i n any form that <br />i s audible, visible, or perceptible outside of the protected 1 and, <br />bui 1 di ng , structure or foci 1 i ty . Alarm system, for purposes of thi s <br />chapter , includes , but i s not 1 i mi ted to audible a 1 a rm systems , <br />burglary alarm systems , 1 oca l alarm systems , robbery alarm systems , <br />si 1 ent alarm systems and those devices designed to transmi t a si gnal <br />or a message to a central alarm receiving station . <br />Alarm user. Any person, firm, partnership, association, <br />Ordinance ~ 1 <br />