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<br />HISTORY OF ACTIONS RELATED TO EUGENE'S STORMWATER PERMIT <br /> <br />The Clean Water Act of 1972 <br />established the federal NPDES pennitting <br />program. The original purpose of <br />the NPDES program was to control <br />and eliminate pollutants from single <br />identifiable sources, sometimeS called <br />point sources. The Clean Water Act was <br />reatlthorized by Congress in 1987. The <br />reauthorized law was expanded to include <br />non~point source pollution: overland <br />runoff C()ntaining pollutants which do not <br />originate from one specific location, The <br />expanded law required municipalities over <br />100,000 in population to obtaiil NPDES <br />permits for their srormW<lter discharges. <br />In response to the 1987 reauthorization <br />of the Cleali Water Act, the Eugene <br />City CoundladoptedaComprehensive . <br />Srormwatei Management Plan {CSWMP} <br />in 1993. Key elements of this plan <br />include: <br /> <br />· Amultiple-objective approach to <br />stonnwater management that addresses <br />drainage, water quality. and stormwater- <br />rdatednatural resources; <br />· A set of policies, goals and <br />implementation actions to guide the <br />City's stormwater program; <br />· Two types of implementation actions <br />- best management practices (BMPs) <br />to specilicaUy comply withNDPES <br />permit requirements, and "other actions" <br />consistent with co1l1munity expectations <br />fot stormwater tnanagement. The set of <br />BMPs that specilic;,tlly complies with <br />NPDES permit tequirefilenrs defines <br />the City's NPDES Permit Stormwater <br />Management Plan (SWMP). <br />Eugene's first five~ year permit was issued <br />by DEQ in 1994. In March 2004 the <br />DEQ issued a new NPDES permit to <br />Eugetle. In resf>onse to the new permit. . <br /> <br />the City is proposing to revise its SWMP. <br />The new SWMPdiffers from the prcn:<)us <br />SWMP in several significant ways: . <br />-The revised SWMP recognizes that <br />Eugene's stormwater program has been in <br />place for ten years and that many activities <br />have heen implemented. Therefore, the <br />revised SWMP is designed to focus more <br />on program implementation, water <br />quality monitoring. assessments ofBMP <br />effectiveness, and adaptive management. <br />. · The revised SWMP addresses new <br />permirconditions related to specific <br />pollutants of concern for Eugene's <br />waterways, especially 303(d}~l1sted water <br />bodies (see glossa.ry). lIte new SWMP <br />anticipates that J?ollutantdischarge <br />limitations will be established for Eugene's <br />waterways as Total Maximum Daily Load <br />(TMDL) requirements. <br /> <br />. RESULTS OF THE NPDES PERMIT--RELATED EVALUATION <br /> <br />City of Eugene staff conducted <br />an internal review of Eugene's <br />existing Stormwater Management. <br />Plan (SWMP), including23 best <br />management practkes (BMPs) <br />proposed for the 2005 SWMP. In . <br />evaluating the plan, its BMPs, and <br />existing program activities, staff <br />considered a variety of factors, <br />induding monitoring and reporting <br />requirements, ways to reduce <br />pollutants to the maximum extent <br />practicable, ways to address 303(d).., <br />listed pollutants, and ways to control <br />nOn..,stormwater discharges to the <br />municipal stormwater system. 'Ihe <br />results of this evaluation will be the <br />basis of a second-year report to the <br />DEQdescribing Eugene's compliance. <br />with the new permit. <br />One of the first things staff did was <br />to validate the importance of existing <br />program activities considered essential <br />to meeting new permit conditions. <br /> <br />2 <br /> <br />These existing program activities <br />include: <br />· Stormwater education <br />- Erosion prevention <br />· Street sweeping <br />· Industrial.stormwatetprogram <br />· System deaning <br />- illicit discharge and spill <br />response programs <br />- Continued basin planning <br />In its evaluation of the SWMP' <br />staffplac<;:d the highest priority on <br />the need roaddress gaps between <br />existing program activities and permit <br />requirements. Specifically, two actions <br />"Were identified. to respond to gaps: <br />· Adopt water quality design <br />standards for new development <br />· Establish a consisteilt policy <br />related to public use of pesticides, <br />herbicides and fertilizers <br />Additionally, staff recommended <br />several "adaptive management" <br />strategies to address new requirements <br />related to problem pollutants: <br /> <br />· Implement a new bacteria pilot study. <br />· Expand the storrnwater <br />monitoring program to meet new <br />permit conditions and indude <br />in each BMP description the <br />menies used to measure BMP <br />effectiveness. <br />· Continue to collect and analyze <br />production data from street <br />sweepers and vactor truckS, with a <br />goal of using this data to optimize <br />the effectiveness of these programs <br />for water quality. <br />- Conduct a business awareness <br />effort related to the proper use of <br />pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers. <br />· Formalize: the process to document <br />locations and characteristics of <br />water quality. facilities so this <br />information can be used more <br />readily for evaluation and rer :ng <br />purposes.. <br />- Formalize processes to evaluate the <br />impact of new flood control capital <br />. projects on water quality; <br />