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<br /> <br />ECC <br />UGENE ITY OUNCIL <br />AIS <br />GENDA TEM UMMARY <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Work Session: New Land Use Regulations and Measure 37 <br /> <br /> <br />Meeting Date: October 10, 2005 Agenda Item Number: B <br />Department: Planning and Development/City Attorney Staff Contact: Susan Muir/Glenn Klein <br /> Contact Telephone Number: 682-6077/682-5080 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />ISSUE STATEMENT <br />Adoption of new land use regulations such as the Goal 5 protection ordinance has the potential to create <br />new Measure 37 claims. In light of that potential, the council should decide whether it wants to include <br />within the land use code a variance-type process that might avoid creation of such claims. If the council <br />decides such a process should be included, two subsidiary issues are: (1) whether the process should be <br />generally applicable to all of Chapter 9, or just to specific regulations such as the Goal 5 protection <br />regulations; and (2) whether staff, a Hearings Official, the Planning Commission or the council should <br />make the initial decision on such a variance and who should make the final decision. <br /> <br /> <br />BACKGROUND <br />Following the passage of Measure 37, the council adopted an ordinance to establish a process for <br />addressing Measure 37 claims. The process involves, in part, an initial review by the City Manager, and <br />if it appears that the claim may be valid, a decision by the council. <br /> <br />On June 13, 2005, the council held a work session to discuss whether the City should investigate the <br />development of a “givings tax” in order to develop a source of funds to pay Measure 37 claims. The <br />council directed staff to develop a legal framework for and identify administrative costs and procedures <br />to possibly implement a givings tax or fee. The City Manager estimated that the work product would be <br />available for the council in the winter, with the research and other work tasks commencing after the <br />legislative session was over (in order to see what, if anything, the Legislature did related to Measure 37). <br />Staff continue to expect to have a work session with the council during the winter. <br /> <br />The Goal 5 protection ordinance now before the council contains some limitations on how property can <br />be used. In some cases, those limitations might give rise to claims under Measure 37. The draft <br />ordinance contains one way of dealing with the potential creation of Measure 37 claims, which was to <br />create a variance process that would allow a property owner to get a restriction modified or waived to <br />the extent necessary to avoid a reduction in fair market value of the property. This variance process <br />would ensure that the regulations do not create valid Measure 37 claims. <br /> <br />The initial question is whether a variance-type process should be included as part of the Goal 5 <br />protection ordinance (or other new and existing land use regulations), or alternatively, whether those <br />issues should be dealt with under the City’s Measure 37 implementation ordinance. It is unclear the <br />extent to which the City (or any other governmental entity) will be able to require property owners to <br /> L:\CMO\2005 Council Agendas\M051010\S051010B.doc <br /> <br />