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ATTACHMENT A <br /> ORDINANCE NO. <br /> <br /> AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING MULTIPLE-UNIT HOUSING; AND AMENDING <br /> SECTION 2.945 OF THE EUGENE CODE, 1971. <br /> <br /> THE CITY OF EUGENE DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: <br /> <br /> Section 1. Subsections (2) and (6)(a) of Section 2.945 of the Eugene Code, 1971, is <br />amended to provide: <br /> <br />2.945 Multiple-Unit Housinq - Property Tax Exemption. <br /> (2) In order to provide the incentives described in subsection (1) of this section, the <br /> provisions of ORS 307.600 to 307.691 are hereby adopted as the city's multiple- <br /> unit housing property tax exemption program for the city's core area. The city's <br /> core area shall include the area generally bounded on the,,,.,.,,r ..... * by ._..~ ~""~'~"......... <br /> <br /> ~]nodh by 1~ Avenue, then south on Lawrence Street to 7~n Avenue, <br /> then e~st to Lincoln Street, then south to 13~n Avenue, then e~st to <br /> Street, then south to 17~n Avenue, then e~st to Kinc~id Street, then no~h to <br /> the Willamette River and along the Willamette River to 4~n Avenue, then <br /> west to Pearl Street, then no~h to 3~ Avenue, then west to Lincoln Street, <br /> then nodh to Is~ Avenue, as more particularly described in the standards and <br /> guJdelJRes adopted by the city manager in the manner prescribed in section <br /> 2.01 g of this code. The staRdards aRd guideliRes shall iRclude provisioRs to <br /> relate the net fJRaRcJal beRefJt from the property tax exemption to the public <br /> benefits provided by the improvements./n addition, the standards ~nd <br /> guidelines sh~fl require ~n ~ppfic~nt to ~ddress ~s p~ of the ~ppfic~tion <br /> how e~ch of the following seven qu~fity standards ~re met by the proposal, <br /> or if a standard is not met, why not: <br /> a. Incorporation of sustainability features such as conse~ation <br /> pedorm~nce measures, soMr he~ting, n~tur~l lighting, "green" <br /> building (techniques that use environmentally friendly materials and <br /> practices), ~nd Mndsc~ping with n~tive species that reduce the need <br /> for fe~ilizers, herbicides and pesticides; <br /> b. Responsiveness to ~dj~cent historic structures that ~re on the N~tion~l <br /> Historic Register or listed as a city Mndmark; <br /> c. Use of higher qu~fity m~teri~ls that contribute to longevity, durability, or <br /> enhanced building design; <br /> d. Prominent ent~ f~cing the public street; <br /> e. Number of units by which the minimum density is exceeded or the <br /> percent of housing units having three or more bedrooms (to <br /> encourage families); <br /> <br /> <br />