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<br />EUGENE CITY COUNCIL OPERATING AGREEMENTS <br />Exhibit to Resolution Number 4777 <br />Approved on September 22, 2003 <br /> <br />consulting the minutes recorder. If however, the proposed amendment is substantive in nature or <br />seeks to clarify the speaker's intent, or to expand hislher remarks for the record, the councilor <br />should notify the minutes recorder and request verification of the proposed amendment. <br /> <br />1.09 Voting <br />Section 12 of the Eugene Municipal Charter states that, the Mayor only votes on matters before <br />the Council in the case of a tie. Council members may not abstain from voting unless a conflict <br />of interest has been declared. <br /> <br />1.10 Presiding Officer <br />The Mayor shall preside over Council meetings when present. The president of the Council shall <br />preside if the Mayor is absent or unable to preside. The Council vice president shall have the <br />powers of the Council president when the Council president is performing the duties of the <br />Mayor. If the Mayor, Council president, and vice president are unavailable {and a quorum still <br />exists J, the Council members present shall elect a temporary presiding officer. <br /> <br />1.11 Council Officers <br />Council officers shall be elected for one year terms in the manner prescribed in the E.C. 2.009, at <br />the first regular meeting in each calendar year. <br /> <br />2. PLACING ITEMS ON COUNCIL AGENDA <br />2.01 Contact the City Manager <br />Contact the City Manager and explain the nature, scope and desired outcome of the item for the <br />agenda, or make the request during a City Council meeting under "Items from Mayor and City <br />Council" at a Council work session. The city manager and mayor may then decide to place the <br />item on a future agenda. <br /> <br />2.02 Council Poll <br />Alternatively, an item may be placed on the Council agenda by councilor request. A councilor <br />may ask Council support staff for a work session, and staff shall then poll all councilors, in <br />writing, to ask if the item should be placed on the Council agenda. If, within ten working days of <br />distribution of the poll, a majority of the Council respond in the affirmative, the item shall be <br />placed on the Council agenda. A majority of the Council in this instance is four councilors. <br /> <br />2.03 Tentative Agenda on the Consent Calendar <br />At each regular meeting of the Council, the City Manager shall present the tentative agenda. <br />This shall be placed on the consent calendar. If there are concerns about items on the tentative <br />agenda it may be removed at the request of any councilors from the consent calendar and <br />discussed separately. <br /> <br />Eugene City Council Operating Agreements - September 22, 2003 <br />Page 4 of 12 <br /> <br />Exhibit to Resolution Number 4777 <br />