<br />
<br /> Minor Land Use Code Amendments
<br />An Ordinance Concerning Land Use; Amending Sections 9.0500, 9.2160,
<br />9.2161, 9.2171, 9.2173, 9.2180, 9.2450, 9.2470, 9.2683, 9.2685, 9.2686, 9.2741,
<br />9.2760, 9.2761, 9.2775, 9.2795, 9.3220, 9.3822, 9.3910, 9.4730, 9.4830, 9.5250,
<br />9.5350, 9.5500, 9.5750, 9.5800, 9.6105, 9.6410, 9.6420, 9.6610, 9.6615, 9.6630,
<br />9.6640, 9.6650, 9.6670, 9.6709, 9.6730, 9.6745, 9.6805, 9.6810, 9.6815, 9.6820,
<br />9.6830, 9.6870, 9.6885, 9.7015, 9.7020, 9.7110, 9.7605, 9.7655, 9.7805, 9.7885,
<br />9.8010, 9.8030, 9.8055, 9.8090, 9.8215, 9.8220, 9.8310, 9.8320, 9.8325, 9.8410,
<br />9.8440, 9.8515, 9.8520, 9,8700, 9.8710, 9.8715, and 9.8720 Of the Eugene
<br />Code, 1971; Adding Sections 9.8335 and 9.8580 to that Code; and
<br />Providing Effective Dates
<br />
<br /> Manager:
<br /> Introduces topic, presents background information.
<br /> Mayor opens the public hearing:
<br /> Those wishing to speak during the Public
<br />Hearing must submit a completed “Request to Speak” form to the information
<br />desk, prior to the beginning of the Public Hearing. When you come to the
<br />podium to speak, please give your name and address; you will have three
<br />minutes to comment. There are lights on the podium; the yellow light indicates
<br />you have 15 seconds to complete your comments. The red light indicates the end
<br />of three minutes.
<br />
<br />Mayor:
<br /> Closes the public hearing.
<br /> Mayor:
<br /> Asks for questions or comments from the City Council.
<br />
<br />An Ordinance Concerning Multiple-Unit Housing Property Tax Exemptions
<br />and Amending Sections 2.945 and 2.947 of the Eugene Code
<br />
<br /> Manager:
<br /> Introduces topic, presents background information.
<br /> Mayor opens the public hearing:
<br /> Those wishing to speak during the Public
<br />Hearing must submit a completed “Request to Speak” form to the information
<br />desk, prior to the beginning of the Public Hearing. When you come to the
<br />podium to speak, please give your name and address; you will have three
<br />minutes to comment. There are lights on the podium; the yellow light indicates
<br />you have 15 seconds to complete your comments. The red light indicates the end
<br />of three minutes.
<br />
<br />Mayor:
<br /> Closes the public hearing.
<br />Mayor:
<br /> Asks for questions or comments from the City Council.
<br />
<br /> Mayor:
<br /> Does any councilor object to taking action tonight?
<br />
<br /> If yes: Schedule action for a future meeting.
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />Eugene City Council Agenda: October 24, 2005 L:\CMO\2005 Council Agendas\M051024\A051024S.doc
<br />
<br />