310 General Capital Projects Fund
<br />FY09FY09FY09
<br />AdoptedSB1 ActionRevised
<br />18,515,728(3,988,593)a14,527,135
<br /> Intergovernmental0300,000c300,000
<br /> Rental20,000020,000
<br /> Miscellaneous171,5900171,590
<br /> Interfund Transfers2,270,933378,445b2,649,378
<br /> Fiscal Transactions11,732,832011,732,832
<br />Total Revenue14,195,355678,44514,873,800
<br />TOTAL RESOURCES32,711,083(3,310,148)29,400,935
<br />Department Operating
<br /> Central Services13,444(1,737)e11,707
<br />Total Department Operating13,444(1,737)11,707
<br />Capital Projects
<br /> Capital Projects14,065,632678,429a,b,c14,744,061
<br /> Capital Carryover17,471,556(3,860,164)d13,611,392
<br />Total Capital Projects31,537,188(3,181,735)28,355,453
<br />Non-Departmental
<br /> Debt Service50,000050,000
<br /> Reserve 29,000029,000
<br /> Balance Available1,081,451(126,676)a,d,e954,775
<br />1,160,451
<br />Total Non-Departmental(126,676)1,033,775
<br />TOTAL REQUIREMENTS32,711,083(3,310,148)29,400,935
<br />310 General Capital Projects Fund
<br />Beginning Working Capital Reconciliation:
<br />a) Decrease the budgeted Beginning Working
<br />Capital by $3,988,593, decrease Balance Available by $3,988,577 and decrease Housing
<br />Capital Project appropriations by $16. The adjustments bring the FY09 Budgeted Beginning
<br />Working Capital in compliance with the audited FY08 actual revenues and expenditures as
<br />determined by Isler & Company, LLC, the City's external auditor.
<br /> Interfund Transfers:
<br />b)
<br />- Receive a transfer of $12,130 from the General Fund to cover a portion of expenses
<br />associated with 2008 Olympic Trials and increase capital project budget by the same amount.
<br />- Receive a transfer of $366,315 from the General Fund and increase appropriations for the
<br />General Fund asset preservation and maintenance by the same amount.
<br />Recognize grant revenue
<br />c) received from the Oregon Department of Transportation for
<br />Eugene Train Depot Multimodal Station project in the amount of $300,000 and increase
<br />capital appropriations by the same amount.
<br />