312 Road Capital Projects Fund
<br />FY09FY09FY09
<br />AdoptedSB1 ActionRevised
<br />2,114,565(1,674,661)a439,904
<br /> Intergovernmental3,004,0003,107,900c6,111,900
<br /> Rental35,600035,600
<br /> Miscellaneous6,00006,000
<br /> Interfund Transfers30,0001,650,000b1,680,000
<br />Total Revenue3,075,6004,757,9007,833,500
<br />TOTAL RESOURCES5,190,1653,083,2398,273,404
<br />Capital Projects
<br /> Capital Projects3,164,0001,650,000b4,814,000
<br /> Capital Carryover1,395,238(134,565)d1,260,673
<br />Total Capital Projects4,559,2381,515,4356,074,673
<br />Non-Departmental
<br /> Balance Available630,9271,567,804a,c,d2,198,731
<br />630,927
<br />Total Non-Departmental1,567,8042,198,731
<br />TOTAL REQUIREMENTS5,190,1653,083,2398,273,404
<br />312 Road Capital Projects Fund
<br />Beginning Working Capital Reconciliation:
<br />a) Decrease the budgeted Beginning Working Capital
<br />by $1,674,661 and reduce Balance Available by the same amount. The adjustment brings the FY09
<br />Budgeted Beginning Working Capital in compliance with the audited FY08 actual revenues and
<br />expenditures as determined by Isler & Company, LLC, the City's external auditor.
<br />Interfund Transfers:
<br />b) Recognize $700,000 in interfund transfer revenues from Special
<br />Assessment Capital Project Fund and $950,000 in interfund transfer revenues from Transportation
<br />Utility Fund, and establish capital appropriation in the amount of $1,650,000 for the City's share of the
<br />Crest Drive neighborhood street improvement project.
<br />Re-budget
<br />c) intergovernmental revenue of $3,107,900 supporting already budgeted capital projects
<br />and increase Balance Available by the same amount.
<br />Capital Carryover Reconciliation:
<br />d) Decrease the capital carryover by $134,565 and increase
<br />Balance Available by the same amount. This action reconciles the FY09 Capital Carryover Estimate
<br />to the actual ending FY08 capital projects balance and carry forward.
<br />