510 Municipal Airport Fund
<br />FY09FY09FY09
<br />AdoptedSB1 ActionRevised
<br />16,359,180(4,348,499)12,010,681
<br />a
<br /> Intergovernmental2,849,1033,271,0306,120,133
<br />c
<br /> Rental3,113,90703,113,907
<br /> Charges for Services4,523,90404,523,904
<br /> Fines/Forfeitures8,50008,500
<br /> Miscellaneous301,6900301,690
<br /> Fiscal Transactions58,881058,881
<br />Total Revenue10,855,9853,271,03014,127,015
<br />TOTAL RESOURCES27,215,165(1,077,469)26,137,696
<br />Department Operating
<br /> Fire/Emergency Medical Svcs706,2370706,237
<br /> Police366,1900366,190
<br /> Public Works5,335,356(125,499)5,209,857
<br />d
<br />Total Department Operating6,407,783(125,499)6,282,284
<br />Capital Projects
<br /> Capital Projects6,233,37406,233,374
<br /> Capital Carryover5,355,277(1,265,634)4,089,643
<br />b
<br />Total Capital Projects11,588,651(1,265,634)10,323,017
<br />Non-Departmental
<br /> Interfund Transfers503,0000503,000
<br /> Reserve 7,590,07507,590,075
<br /> Balance Available1,125,656313,6641,439,320
<br />a,b,c,d
<br />Total Non-Departmental 9,218,731313,6649,532,395
<br />0
<br />TOTAL REQUIREMENTS27,215,165(1,077,469)26,137,696
<br />510 Municipal Airport Fund
<br />Beginning Working Capital Reconciliation:
<br />a) Decrease the budgeted Beginning Working Capital by $4,348,499
<br />and decrease Balance Available by the same amount. These adjustments bring the FY09 Budgeted Beginning
<br />Working Capital in compliance with the audited FY08 actual revenues and expenditures as determined by Isler &
<br />Company, LLC, the City's external auditor.
<br />Capital Carryover Reconciliation:
<br />b) Decrease the capital carryover by $1,265,634 and increase Balance
<br />Available by the same amount. This adjustment reconciles the FY09 Capital Carryover Estimate to the actual ending
<br />FY08 capital projects balance and carry forward.
<br />Re-budget
<br />c) intergovernmental revenue of $3,271,030 supporting already budgeted capital projects and increase
<br />Balance Available by the same amount.
<br />Encumbrance Estimate Reconciliation:
<br />d) Decrease the Public Works Department operating appropriation by
<br />$125,499 to reconcile the amount estimated for payment of obligations incurred but not paid in FY08 to the actual
<br />amount paid and increase Balance Available by the same amount.
<br />