539 Stormwater Utility Fund
<br />FY09FY09FY09
<br />AdoptedSB1 ActionRevised
<br />8,200,843361,1718,562,014
<br />a
<br /> Licenses/Permits137,5000137,500
<br /> Intergovernmental14,5001,003,3901,017,890
<br />b,d
<br /> Rental32,000032,000
<br /> Charges for Services12,062,990012,062,990
<br /> Fines/Forfeitures4000400
<br /> Miscellaneous211,3330211,333
<br />Total Revenue12,458,7231,003,39013,462,113
<br />TOTAL RESOURCES20,659,5661,364,56122,024,127
<br />Department Operating
<br /> Public Works10,567,886(74,620)10,493,266
<br />d, e
<br />Total Department Operating10,567,886(74,620)10,493,266
<br />Capital Projects
<br /> Capital Projects2,540,000746,0913,286,091
<br />b
<br /> Capital Carryover 3,608,948(113,173)3,495,775
<br />c
<br />Total Capital Projects6,148,948632,9186,781,866
<br />Non-Departmental
<br /> Interfund Transfers921,0000921,000
<br /> Intergovernmental Expend.15,000015,000
<br /> Balance Available3,006,732806,2633,812,995
<br />a,c,d,e
<br />Total Non-Departmental3,942,732806,2634,748,995
<br />TOTAL REQUIREMENTS20,659,5661,364,56122,024,127
<br />539 Stormwater Utility Fund
<br />Beginning Working Capital Reconciliation:
<br />a)Increase the budgeted Beginning Working Capital by $361,171 and
<br />increase Balance Available by the same amount. The increase brings the FY09 Budgeted Beginning Working Capital in
<br />compliance with the audited FY08 actual revenues and expenditures as determined by Isler & Company, LLC, the City's
<br />external auditor.
<br />Recognize New Grant Revenue
<br />b) from US Army Corps of Engineers, OWEB, ODFW and BLM in the amount of
<br />$746,091 for Delta Ponds restoration and West Eugene Wetlands projects and establish capital appropriation for these
<br />projects in the same amount.
<br />Capital Carryover Reconciliation:
<br />c)Decrease the capital carryover by $113,173 and increase Balance Available by the
<br />same amount. This change reconciles the FY09 Capital Carryover Estimate to the actual ending FY08 capital projects
<br />balance and carry forward.
<br />Rebudget
<br />d) intergovernmental revenue of $257,299 supporting already budgeted capital projects and increase Balance
<br />Available by the same amount. Appropriate $15,000 to complete FY08 fleet replacement schedule and decrease Balance
<br />Available by the same amount.
<br />Encumbrance Estimate Reconciliation:
<br />e)Decrease the Public Works Department operating appropriation by $89,620
<br />to reconcile the amount estimated for payment of obligations incurred but not paid in FY08 to the actual amount paid and
<br />increase Balance Available by the same amount.
<br />