131 Road Fund
<br />FY09FY09FY09
<br />AdoptedSB1 ActionRevised
<br />2,631,977698,5063,330,483
<br />a
<br /> Licenses/Permits291,0000291,000
<br /> Intergovernmental6,480,00006,480,000
<br /> Rental37,582037,582
<br /> Charges for Services75,000075,000
<br /> Miscellaneous223,0000223,000
<br /> Interfund Transfers1,000,00010,0001,010,000
<br />c
<br />Total Revenue8,106,58210,0008,116,582
<br />TOTAL RESOURCES10,738,559708,50611,447,065
<br />Department Operating
<br /> Public Works10,063,041(121,354)9,941,687
<br />b,c
<br />Total Department Operating10,063,041(121,354)9,941,687
<br />Non-Departmental
<br /> Interfund Transfers653,0000653,000
<br /> Balance Available22,518829,860852,378
<br />a,b
<br />Total Non-Departmental 675,518829,8601,505,378
<br />TOTAL REQUIREMENTS10,738,559708,50611,447,065
<br />131 Road Fund
<br />Beginning Working Capital Reconciliation:
<br />a) Increase the budgeted Beginning Working Capital by $698,506
<br />and increase Balance Available by the same amount. The increase brings the FY09 Budgeted Beginning
<br />Working Capital in compliance with the audited FY08 actual revenues and expenditures as determined by Isler &
<br />Company, LLC, the City's external auditor.
<br />Encumbrance Estimate Reconciliation:
<br />b) Reduce the Public Works Department operating appropriation by
<br />$131,354 to reconcile the amount estimated for payment of obligations incurred but not paid in FY08 to the actual
<br />amount paid and increase Balance Available by $131,354.
<br />General Fund Contingency:
<br />c) Recognize $10,000 in transfer revenue from the General Fund Contingency
<br />Account. Approved by City Council to fund the department operating budget for continuation of the West Eugene
<br />Collaborative project.
<br />