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Item 6: Public Hearing on Ordinance Concerning Alley Vacation
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2005
CC Agenda - 11/14/05 Mtg
Item 6: Public Hearing on Ordinance Concerning Alley Vacation
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6/9/2010 12:54:39 PM
Creation date
11/10/2005 9:28:46 AM
City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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<br />Consent of Abutting and Affected Property Owners <br />In accordance with ORS 271.080, the Urban Renewal Agency has provided evidence of consent to the <br />alley vacation from all abutting property owners and from property owners of at least two-thirds of the <br />property within the affected area. As noted above, the Urban Renewal Agency owns two of the four <br />properties abutting the alley right-of-way (tax lots 6600 and 5300) and Diamond Parking owns the <br />remaining abutting properties (tax lots 5100 and 5200). The materials submitted with the alley vacation <br />application include consent forms signed by representatives from the Urban Renewal Agency and from <br />Diamond Parking. The application materials also include consent forms signed by property owners of <br />more than two-thirds of the area within the affected area. The affected area per ORS is an area that is <br />200 feet on either side of the alley and 400 feet at each end of the alley. Attached as Exhibit B is a map <br />showing affected properties and identifying those properties with signed consent forms. Copies of the <br />signed consent forms are in the file record for this request (VRI 04-1). <br /> <br />Applicable Criteria <br />The Eugene City Council will address the relevant approval criterion from section 9.8725 of the Eugene <br />Code in making a decision on the proposed alley vacation, as listed below: <br /> <br />The city council shall approve, or approve with conditions and reservations of easements, the <br />vacation of improved public right-oi-way, public ways acquired with public funds, or <br />undeveloped subdivision and partition plats, or portions thereof, including public right-of- <br />way and improved public easements located therein, only if the council finds that approval of <br />the vacation is in the public interest. <br /> <br />The alley vacation request will facilitate the re-development of a vacant site with a six-story office <br />building that will bring 300 employees to the downtown core. This project is consistent with the policy <br />direction contained in the Downtown Plan. The following specific policies from the Downtown Plan are <br />relevant to this request and provide support that the alley vacation is in the interest of the public: <br /> <br />Build upon downtown's role as the center for government, commerce, education and culture in the <br />city and the region (Strong Regional Center Policy 1) <br /> <br />Downtown development shall support the urban qualities of density, vitality, livability and diversity <br />to create a downtown, urban environment. (Strong Regional Center Policy 2) <br /> <br />Actively pursue public/private development opportunities to achieve the vision for an active, vital, <br />growing downtown. (Building a Downtown Policy 1) <br /> <br />Use downtown development tools and incentives to encourage development that provides character <br />and density downtown. (Building a Downtown Policy 2) <br /> <br />The Urban Renewal Agency of the City of Eugene, owner of the former Sears building property and <br />adjacent 1/8-block parking lot (the "Sears Site"), has signed a Purchase and Sale Agreement with the <br />Oregon Research Institute (OR!) under which the Sears Site will be sold to OR! for development of a <br />new six-story office building. The proposed alley vacation is necessary for the construction of the new <br />building, as it will allow OR! to use the site more effectively and efficiently. The City Council <br />previously approved the terms of sale, which included the Urban Renewal Agency's commitment to <br />vacating a portion of the north/south alley that is adjacent to the former Sears building. <br /> <br />LICMOl200S Council AgendasIMOSll14IS0S11146.doc <br />
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