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Item 8: Appointments to Boards, Commissions and Committees
City of Eugene
Council Agendas 2005
CC Agenda - 11/14/05 Mtg
Item 8: Appointments to Boards, Commissions and Committees
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City Council
Agenda Item Summary
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<br />, . <br />(, . <br /> <br />l.. ' <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />APPLICATION FOR APPOINTMENT TO <br />CITIZEN ADVISORY BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS <br /> <br />1. <br /> <br />What experience, training, and/or, qualifications do y~u have for this particular board or.commlsslon? 'f <br />~~ reV,'O rJS~ 6"r'I 0hte. ~'.~r<-L (l-~ <f" f Y!1 rew...-J,itr c.~ 0 <br />0J'dMe./eYtleJ. tts ~fn.1- ~ it 1711f1.11tW' 6~~ II{ p(y~ . <br /> <br />2. <br /> <br />What specific contribution do you hope to make to the board or commission? Why do you want to become a member? <br />~lYt f,Ntf<... t.c--f <;4te~. /dw~ ;., a~5 ~{dru. ~~ A->h ~/''1. <br /> <br />3. <br /> <br />Briefly describe your Involvement In relevant com munlty groups and activities. (Lack of previous Involvement will not <br />necessarily disqualify you from consideration.) , , I J 1/ <br /> <br />~ -5'~ 4Yt helIl4rlV5 hDwrc4 J1tJ~~. (l~P~J <br />\{W'\df-l~4~1..-t't vJ~~Uv~'0 6r~ C~6('(vILCf'~ e~. <br /> <br />Are you currently a member of a City of Eugene advisory board or comm Isslon? If so, which one? /IJ 0 <br /> <br />4. <br /> <br />NOTE: To allow a large number of citizens to serve on boards and commissions, the City Council policy allows Individuals to serve <br />on only ana standing board or commss/on at a time. A current member of a board/commsslon who Is a successful applicant for <br />another board/commission will be required to 'choose one board/commsslon. This policy does not apply to ad hoc committees or <br />departmental committees or positions that ale designated for members of specific advisory groups, e.g. the Planning Commission <br />member assigned to the CItizen Involvement Committee. <br /> <br />5. Most City boardslcommlsslons meet once a month, sometimes more frequently. Meetings generaUy last about two <br />hours. Please Indicate below the times you would be able to attend meetings. <br />o Morning (6:30 - 8:30 a.m.) X Noon time (11 :30 - 1 :30 p.m.) <br /> <br />o Afternoon (4:00 - 6:00 p.m.) 0 Evening (after 6:00 p.m.) <br /> <br />CITY COUNCIL POUCY REGARDING REAPPOINTMENT TO BOARDS AND COMMISSIONS <br />1. Members of city advisory groups will serve a max/mum of tMO consecutive tflrms when the length of the term Is three years or more. <br />Individuals serving tenns less than three years will be limited to a total of six consecutive years of service. <br />2. The deadline for applications from Incumbents Is the same as the deadline for new applications. <br />3. An Indlv/dua1 may reapply for appointment to a board or commission after at least a one year hiatus from service. <br />4. City of Eugene employees may not serve on City of Eugene boards or commissions except as specifically provided by the City <br />Code, , or as required to perform o,,!clal dU!fes. <br /> <br />Information submitted on thlsappllc l /s public Information. The Information provided herein Is true and complete. A false <br />or misleading statement may be c s or el1mlnatlon from consideration. <br /> <br /> <br />6-26-05 <br /> <br />Signature of AppHcant <br /> <br />Date <br /> <br />Return completed applications to: <br />City Manager's Office <br />777 Pearl Street, Room 105 <br />Eugene, OR 97401 <br />541-682-5010 <br />541-682-5414 (Fax) (Applications may be faxed) <br /> <br />Visit our Web Site at <br /> <br />Please fXHnplete both Bide. of "I. application <br /> <br />ApplIcation for IppolnIment to C11zen hMlOl)' IIo8rcIa IIld Corrmlltlonl- PtIge 2 <br />Revtsed SeplllmIler, 3101 . P:\Ct.<<lIBCC\BOCAPP0109118.wpd <br />
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