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Time limit for collection of signatures: <br />As specified in Eugene Code Section 2.974(c), the first signature on the petition must be collected no later <br />than 90 days after the issuance of the final ballot title. <br />If the petitioners fail to begin collecting signatures within the 90 days, the petition is void. The petitioners <br />may file again at any time. <br />Time limit for filing petition: <br />The petition must be submitted to the City Recorder’s Office no later than 100 days after the date the first <br />signature on the petition is collected (Eugene Code Section 2.974(d)). <br />CHIEF PETITIONERS SUBMIT PETITION SIGNATURE SHEETS FOR VERIFICATION <br />When the chief petitioners submit the completed initiative petition to the City Recorder’s Office, the City <br />Recorder counts and examines each sheet to determine whether the circulator’s certification is sufficient. <br />Please note that each sheet must include a signed statement by the circulator that he/she personally <br />witnessed each individual’s signing. <br />After completing this process, the City Recorder forwards the petition signature sheets to Lane County <br />Elections. The elections division, acting on behalf of the City, shall verify the legality of the signatures <br />within 15 calendar days of the filing date (Eugene Code Section 2.979(1)). <br />As specified in Eugene Code Section 2.979(2), if the required number of signatures exceeds 4,500, the <br />statistical sampling technique is used to verify whether a petition contains the required number of <br />signatures. <br />PETITIONERS FILE STATEMENT OF ORGANIZATION & FINANCIAL REPORTS <br />Oregon law requires that chief petitioners register with the Oregon Secretary of State and file reports of all <br />financial transactions. To register, the treasurer or Chief Petitioner must file a Statement of Organization <br />for a Chief Petitioner Committee using the Oregon Secretary of State’s electronic filing system, ORESTAR, <br />or completing the paper form (SEL 222), and filing it with the Elections Division either by mail, fax, or hand- <br />delivery. The form may be downloaded from the Election Division’s website at The <br />City Recorder assigns the petition itself an identification number to use for this filing. The Elections Division <br />assigns another identification number to the Chief Petitioner Committee. <br />Registration must occur within 3 business day of first receiving a contribution or making an expenditure, <br />but no later than the date the petition is approved for circulation. The City Recorder cannot approve cover <br />and signature sheets for circulation until a Statement of Organization has been filed. <br />If the petition qualifies to the ballot and will subsequently be voted on at an election, any group, including <br />the chief petitioner committee, that intends to support or oppose the measure, must register as a political <br />committee with the Oregon Elections Division. Please note that a group formed to support or oppose a <br />petition that is not yet a measure on a ballot is not a political committee. <br />On request, the City Recorder’s Office will provide the 2008 State of Oregon Campaign Finance Manual. <br />Information is available on the Oregon Elections Division Website at <br /> <br />ELECTION <br />Placement on an election: <br />As specified in Eugene Code Section 2.981, an initiative that is certified to have sufficient signatures will be <br />voted on at the first primary or general election to be held not sooner than 90 days after the certification, <br />with the following exceptions. <br />(1) If the initiative is an ordinance and not a charter amendment, the council may choose to <br />adopt it without forwarding it to an election. <br />(2) The council may choose to place the initiative on an earlier election. The special election <br />I <br />nitiative Petition Process Page 3 of 4 <br />12/10/2008 <br /> <br />