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creation of a street unless the applicant has submitted and received approval of <br />a street tree plan that ensures street trees wi 11 be planted and established i n <br />accordance with the standards and procedures provided far i n this section and the <br />adopted policies of the Urban Forest Management Plan. Street trees shall be <br />planted i n accordance with the approved street tree plan as each 1 of or area i s <br />developed, and shat 1 be required on streets that abut the development as wel 1 as <br />on new streets within the level opment site . <br />~2~ ~n~. The city manager, or designee, shal 1 by <br />administrative rules adopted pursuant to section 2.019 of this code establish <br />standards and specifications that ensure that new trees p1 anted are of the <br />highest quality, require 1 ow maintenance, and do not interfere with publ i c <br />safety. The standards sha11 include, but not be limited to, the type of trees <br />that may be planted, and requirements for planting and establishment of the <br />trees . As used i n this section, "establishment" includes watering, initial <br />pruning, and replacement of trees, if necessary, for a period of three years from <br />the date of planting , <br />~3} P~~, Upon approval of the street tree plan, and prior <br />to approval of the final plat for subdivisions, planned unit developments, <br />partitions , or approved development plans , the applicant shall; <br />~ a } Pay to the ci ty a fee established by the city manager <br />pursuant to section 2. D20 of this code that i s equal to the cost of <br />the purchase, instal 1 ati on and establishment of the street trees <br />required by the approved street tree plan . Thereafter, the city <br />shal 1 assume responsi bi 1 i ty for the purchase, i nsta1 l ati on and <br />establishment of the street trees ; or <br />~b~ Purchase, instal 1 and establish the street trees i n <br />accordance with the approved street tree plan, upon ~ i ~ first paying <br />to the ci ty a fee established by the city manager pursuant to <br />section 2 , 020 of this code to reimburse the city far its costs i n <br />connection with plan review, inspection , administration and <br />monitoring , and t i i 7 f i 1 i ng with the ci ty a securi ty band or depos i t <br />i n an amount determined by the city to be sufficient to ensure <br />performance under the approved street tree plan , <br />Existing 1 arge-scale street trees on or adjacent to a level opment site shal 1 be <br />retained un1 ess approved for removal by the city pursuant to section 6.300 to <br />6, 330 of this code during site development or i n conjunction wi th a street <br />construction project. Any street tree removed by permit through demolition or <br />construction within the street right-of-way shall be replaced within the street <br />right-af -way at a 1 ocati on approved by the city wi th a tree of si mi 1 ar value . <br />The value of the existing street tree to be removed shal 1 be calculated using the <br />methods set forth i n the edition then i n effect of the Guide for Plant Appraisal <br />published by the ~nternati oral Society of Arboriculture Counci 1 of Tree Landscape <br />Appraisers . The developer shall be responsi b1 e for the cost of the planting , <br />Ordinance - 4 <br />