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Used Merchandise Dealer <br />4.989 Used Merchandise Dealer - Req,ui rements <br />(~ } As used i n this section , the fol 1 owi ng wards and phrases mean ; <br />~a} P~~er identification. A document issued by a city, <br />county, state or federal government which bears a photograph and the <br />signature of the person to wham i t was issued . <br />~ b } Purchase . The buying , exchanging , transferring , <br />col 1 ecti ng, consigning or otherwise acquiring of articles from <br />another person not a used merchandise dealer, for resale, exchange <br />or transfer by the purchaser. <br />~ c } Used merchandise dea 1 er , Any person , or employee of any <br />person who, as al 1 or part of a busi Hess <br />1. Purchases or sel 1 s used articles ; or <br />2 . Wrecks , dismantles or di sassembl es a used vehi c1 e <br />and offers for sale the components thereof ; or <br />3 . Lends money on security of used articles , except <br />a person dealing exclusively in whole automobiles, books, <br />clothing , furniture, electrical appliances , or farm implements <br />and machinery; a person who purchases or sells used articles <br />for four days or 1 ess i n a si x month period; or a nonprofi t <br />corporation or assaci ati on that sel 1 s or otherwise exchanges <br />only donated articles . For purposes of this section , <br />"business" shal 1 have the meaning attributed to the term i n 26 <br />USC Section 16~, i nc1 udi ng but not 1 i mi ted to any regul arty <br />conducted activity directed toward the production of income ar <br />a 1 i vel i hood , or any activity for whi ch a federa 1 income tax <br />deduction was taken under 26 USC Section 16~ within the <br />preceding three years . <br />~2} A used merchandise dealer shall <br />~a} Record at the time of purchase an accurate description <br />of each article purchased by the dealer and the proper <br />identification of the person from whom the purchase was made; <br />~ b) Record a 11 purchases made by the dealer i n type ar ink <br />and i n duplicate on forms obtained from the city, and have a copy of <br />each record avai 1 abl e for regular pick-up by the city; <br />~c} Maintain records i n an orderly manner at hi slher place <br />of business; <br />Cd} Make al 1 records and all arti c1 es purchased avai 1 abl e <br />for inspection by the city upon request ; <br />te} Segregate articles purchased by the dealer to permi t <br />their identification from the records kept. <br />~3} A used merchandise dealer shall not: <br />~rd~nance -11 <br />