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ORDINANCE N0. p0~l~ <br />An Ordi nanc~ vacating the fol 1 owi ng descri hed two a1 I eys between East 5th <br />Avenue, East 6th Avenue, High Street and Pearl Street, to wit: <br />An al 1 ey, 14-feet wide to 26-feet wide, running from the <br />north margin of East 6th Avenue north 174 feet more or <br />1 ess to the north margin of the east-west al 1 ey; and an <br />al 1 ey 14~feet wide running from the east margi n of Pearl <br />Street east 186 feet more or less to the east margin of <br />the north -south a 11 ey , 1 ocated i n the b1 ock bounded by <br />East 5th Avenue, East 6th Avenue, High Street and Pearl <br />Street , Assessor's Map 17-0331-11; as more parti cut arly <br />descri bed i n Exhibit A attached hereto. Obi e <br />Industri esl5th Street Public Market, Av 96-0017 <br />On the 16th day of September , 1996, the City Counci 1 of the ~ Ci ty of Eugene <br />by Motion duly passed, call ed a publ i c hearing to be held at 7:30 p. m. , Paci fi c <br />Time on the loth day of October, 1996, at the Counci 1 Chambers at City Ha11, <br />Fugene, Oregon, at which time and p1 ace protests and remonstrances coul d be heard <br />as to the proposed vacation of the above-descri bed a 11 eys . <br />Notice was duly and regularly given of the hearing and at said time and <br />place the Council heard all objections to the proposed vacation. <br />All persons owning property abutting the alleys to be vacated have <br />consented to the vacati an and applied for the same . <br />THE C 1TY of EUGENE DOES oRDAI N AS FOLLaWS <br />Section l . The City Counci 1 of the City of Eugene finds that due and <br />regular notice of the hearing was published and posted as by 1 aw required, and <br />no val i d ob jecti ons were made at the hearing or fi 1 ed . The consent of the owners <br />of the abutting property has been duly and regularly fi 1 ed i n the proceedings and <br />the public interest wi 11 not be prejudiced by the vacati an of the a 11 eys . <br />Section 2 . The hearing was held on the 14th day of October , 1996 , at 7 ; 30 <br />p . m . , Pacific Time , at the Counci 1 Chambers , City Ha 11, Eugene , Lane County , <br />Oregon, and all matters necessary to be done i n the premises have been duly and <br />regularly completed. <br />ORDINANCE _ 1 <br />