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296 E. 5th ~ ~~Tenue #11-15 Eugene, 4R 9701 ~ X503) ~$~-43$3 <br />The owner of the Fifth Street Public Market is requesting the vacation of the <br />alley Right of Way for the alley that intersects the Maxket Property running south <br />to north 176 feet beginning at 6th avenue and running west to east 176 feet <br />beginning at pearl street. The vacation will need to include the storm and <br />sanitation sewers, which the Market owners will become responible for repair <br />and maintenance of.the sewer. This request is being made so that any future <br />improvements to the Market property can be done utilizing the property in the <br />most efficient manner possible. <br />1) This area is not presently ar in the future needed for public services, <br />facilities, or utilities. <br />2) The public services and utilities have been or can be extended in an orderly <br />and efficient manner. <br />3) According to Keith Pearson with the City of Eugene Dept of <br />Transportation, this vacation will not affect the current transportation plan for <br />the City of Eugene. <br />RECEIVED <br />APR 2 G 1996 <br />9UILDiNG & PERMIT SEftY1CES <br />CI1Y OF EUGENE <br />