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include first replacing and upgrading the Southwest entrance off our South <br />parking lot into the Market. <br />Included in this upgrading will be new paint and wall surfaces on the entire <br />Market buildings, lighting and landscaping, resurfacing of the parking lot and <br />leveling and terracing with retaining walls for the area a!I along the South side <br />of the Market. With the Market being at an "entrance to the downtown", we Zook <br />forward to completing this part of our project so the community can be proud. <br />We hope to also develop another building in the near future which may be <br />occupied by both retail and hotel and would be connected to the existing Market <br />building by a crossbridge. qn the ground floor might be a pleasing "plaza" area <br />which would connect to the other Market entrances. <br />fur vacation request is similar to the approved vacation at the alley right of way <br />to the North and to the East of the existing alleys. At that time a public utility <br />easement was retained over the NorthlSouth sewerline, and the EastlWest <br />sewerline was converted from a public sewer to a private sewer. <br />I believe these are the details you might need to make the decision to fulfill our <br />requests. If you need anything further, please do not hesitate to contact me. I <br />will be available at the public hearing to answer any questions. <br />Sincerely, <br />~a dia I za <br />Vice President <br />CP/jml <br />