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<br />RESOLUTION NO. 4632 <br /> <br />A RESOLUTION APPROVING AND ADOPTING <br />STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES FOR OPERATION OF A <br />NEIGHBORHOOD MATCHING GRANT PROGRAM, AND <br />EXEMPTING CONTRACTS ENTERED INTO THEREUNDER <br />FROM THE CITY'S COMPETITIVE BIDDING <br />REQUIREMENTS. <br /> <br />The City Council of the City of Eugene finds that: <br /> <br />A. The City encourages participation in community affairs by its citizens, and has had <br />a Neighborhood Recognition Policy in effect since 1973. During 1997 and 1998 both the City <br />Council and the City's Budget Committee on several occasions reviewed and discussed <br />reorganization of the neighborhood program and considered numerous redesign options. <br /> <br />B. On April 28, 1999 the Council reviewed a series of program options and discussed <br />recommendations based on a staff proposal. During its May 12, 1999 meeting the staff proposals <br />were considered, and the Council by motion approved a recommendation to the Budget Committee <br />to fund a neighborhood program within the Planning and Development Department that included <br />among its elements the creation of a matching grant program. That recommendation was approved <br />by the Budget Committee in May 1999 and by the City Council on June 21, 1999. <br /> <br />C. The Planning and Development Department created a department advisory committee <br />to make recommendations on the establishment of specific program guidelines and an allocations <br />process. The committee has conducted numerous work sessions, including two public work shops <br />to solicit input from interested citizens. The committee's recommendation is incorporated in the <br />Neighborhood Matching Grants Program Standards and Guidelines attached as Exhibit A, which the <br />City Manager has approved and recommended for adoption. <br /> <br />D. As described in the Standards and Guidelines, the award of matching grants for the <br />purpose of accomplishing neighborhood projects will necessitate the execution of contracts between <br />the City and grant recipients to ensure the grant funds are utilized in the manner approved. Because <br />of the unique nature of this Program, a public need exists to exempt all Matching Grant Program <br />contracts, as a class, from the formal bidding and quotation requirements of Sections 2.1200 to <br />2.1255 of the Eugene Code, 1971, so long as the contracts are executed in conformity with the <br />procedures established in the Standards and Guidelines. The public interest would be best served, <br />favoritism would not be encouraged, competition would not be diminished, and substantial savings <br />to the City could result from declaring these contracts exempt from the City's formal bidding and <br />quotation requirements, which the Council has authority to do under State law and under the Charter, <br />Ordinances and adopted policies of the City. <br /> <br />Resolution - 1 <br />