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providers. This moratorium shall not apply to any land use application which had been f led rior <br />p <br />to.September X3,1996, or to a related building permit application for construction of the same tower <br />or antenna covered by the land use application. <br />Section ~. This moratorium shall not appiy to towers or antennas which are dedicated <br />exclusively ta, and required for, the Emergency Broadcast System, to the extent that federal law <br />mandates installation of the towers or antennas within the next six months.. <br />Section 3. The moratorium adopted pursuant to Section 1 shall expire i 20 days after the <br />effective date of this ordinance. <br />Section 4. That the matters contained herein concern the public health, welfare and safe <br />tY <br />and therefore, an emergency is hereby declared to exist, and this ordinance shall become effective <br />immediately upon its passage by the City Council and approval by the Mayor, retention b the <br />Y <br />Mayor for mare than ten days, or readoption over a mayoral veto by two-thirds of all members of <br />the City Council. <br />Passed by the City Council this <br />~~day of ~ 996 <br />`~ ~- ~/ <br />City Recorder <br />Approved by the Mayor this <br />(,(~~ day of ,1996 <br />Mayor <br />ordinance ~ 2 <br />